strange universe

Mexico's Second Congressional Hearing On
UAP and Nazca Mummies

English Transcript

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Deputy Sergio Gutiérrez Luna

Good afternoon, everyone. In the first instance, I want to welcome you to the Chamber of Deputies. The Chamber of Deputies is the house of the people where every idea, every kind of thinking, every proposal is worthy of being analyzed here and shared, debated, and discussed. Let this be with a lot of respect.

Two months ago, we had the first audience surrounding the unidentified anomalous phenomenon. My friend, Jaime Maussan, who has been a very recognized and respected journalist with a lot of years of experience in this topic, has debated this topic thoroughly. He talked with me some months ago and said, "Here in Mexico, we lack more to talk about this topic and with another perspective than this legislative work that has already happened in other countries. We can have the vanguard of this topic."

In that occasion, we had invited specialists from all parts of the world—journalists, scientists, and experts. They analyzed topics about the human general. Japan Congress and French Congressman also came. We've encountered negative opinions and opinions in favor. This is democracy; this is the basic principle of democracy, to be able to discuss ideas so that we can all say what we think, and from that exposure of ideas, there are people that agree or disagree. From that is what happened here in the chamber.

We feel really happy to have been able to make that step because, apart from the fact that it was something historical or something unique, we can take experience from that. People with a lot of seriousness went to share their respective research that they have done through their lives. Something that is very important and that was very important through the whole public media was the presence of two, let's say, mummies—desiccated bodies of non-identified objects here in the deputies' chamber. From unidentified objects, we are going to hear explanations from people who have studied them, their origins, genetic compositions, and other data that come from or that their origins come from Peru. Today, we are accompanied by Peruvian deputies. Please be welcome, specialists about the topic.


Specialists on the topic who will talk to us and delve deeper into it. But in addition, this has not just remained in talk, the exhibition, the comments, the rebuttals and counter-rebuttals on the topic, but we have taken it to the legislative field. And today, I am presenting an initiative to amend the transparency law so that we can establish that, unlike other countries, in Mexico, any information that has to do with these anomalous phenomena in possession of the State should be completely public and not restricted. And there are precedents; Jaime Maussan himself carried out a transparency investigation through the channels and procedures established by INAI, the National Institute of Access to Public Information here in Mexico, and through that legal exercise, he obtained evidence from a Mexican state entity, CAM, where the air traffic controllers are, who published recordings about anomalous phenomena they had visualized. From this precedent, we consider that it is necessary to reform the law so that any data, report, video, or form of knowledge that some authority has about these possible unidentified anomalous phenomena becomes public. Today we will present it, and we will continue this procedure in the Chamber of Deputies. There are many relevant issues and we are addressing all of them. Today, nothing less than the federal budget is being debated here in the full session. We are there; we are in this forum. We will return to debate all the issues that are relevant and there are people who are interested in each and every one of the topics. That is why, once again, with great respect, we welcome the personalities that accompany us to present their research work, their personal experiences, their life experiences, scientific data on this topic. Again, welcome, and thank you, Deputy Sergio Gutiérrez Luna. Next, we give the floor to journalist and director of the Third Millennium, Jaime Maussan, please.


Jaime Maussan - Journalist

Director, thank you very much, ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon, and to our friends from Acapulco, our solidarity and thoughts, we know that you will overcome this challenge that life has put you through. It is an honor to be here today in this prestigious Chamber of Deputies to present three topics of relevance and significance for Mexico, Peru, Latin America, and the world. First, I want to highlight the process of the initiative of law for unidentified anomalous phenomena, which will be approved in the coming days. Second, I want to emphasize the guarantee that the information generated from Mexican territory about this phenomenon cannot be hidden or reserved, and the authorities will be obliged to inform the people of Mexico, as Deputy Sergio Gutiérrez Luna just pointed out here, to whom the paternity of this initiative belongs. First, I want to tell everyone around the world that there is no state on the planet that guarantees absolute transparency regarding this unidentified anomalous phenomenon in its skies, and that should be considered as really putting Mexico at the forefront in the investigation of this phenomenon, and it is something unprecedented. However, we hope it becomes an example in many places in the world. Third, I want to highlight the advancements in the studies of humanoid-characteristic beings found in Peru, as well as the presentation of two new species with their respective studies that we will have today. That is to say, there is not just one species; to this day, there are three, and I want to tell you something else; these are not the only ones, there are more. The discovery is much bigger than we thought. All this is possible thanks to people committed to the truth, such as Deputy Sergio Gutiérrez Luna because thanks to his conviction and courage, these extraordinary advancements that will place Mexico as one of the leading countries in the search for a new reality could be achieved. Thus, Mexico will be one of the first countries to accept aerial anomalous phenomena in its laws. This historic decision will allow keeping the people of Mexico and the world informed about what is happening in the skies, a new reality. It is also important to recognize the support of, a company from the United States, without whom this extraordinary investigation could not have been carried out. Their support was crucial not only to carry out the fieldwork but to obtain, I apologize, the scientific investigations.

Likewise, I want to express my deep gratitude to the University of Ica in Peru and, in particular, to its brave rector, professor Jorge Eduardo Moreno Legua. He has faced immense political pressure and from the scientific community and yet has decided to bring the truth to light. His commitment and determination to overcome adversities deserve our recognition and gratitude. Archaeologist Thierre Jamin, director of the Incari Institute, who started the research of this extraordinary discovery between the communities of Nazca and Palpa in Peru, also deserves recognition. Today we know that the finding of desiccated beings with humanoid characteristics is much bigger than previously thought. These discoveries challenge us to rethink our conceptions of life in the universe and our own roots as human beings. The implications of these findings are profound and invite us to reflect on our responsibility on Earth. I'm sorry, this is an important and exciting moment. We have in our hands physical evidence that could change our perception of the world. On September 21, 1987, President Ronald Reagan said at the UN, "Maybe we need a threat to our world from a race from another planet, then the disputes between nations would disappear." I believe that we do not need a threat; the mere fact of understanding that we are a unique race without color or religious distinctions invites us to stop killing each other, as is now happening in the Middle East or Russia. The truth will set us free, and accepting the possibility that there were beings with humanoid characteristics, second digits without thumbs, will open the doors to knowledge and understanding. We are facing a profound change. I want to invite the scientific community, instead of attacking us or disparaging those who have already performed the necessary tests, to investigate seriously. We must leave behind prejudices and unfounded fears and embrace the opportunity to learn and grow as a society. Some resist accepting the evidence and testimony that demonstrate that the times are changing. However, neither you detractors nor the researchers are greater than the truth. In conclusion, today we are witnessing a crucial moment in the history of humanity. The presentation of desiccated beings with humanoid characteristics challenges us to expand our horizons and question our deep-rooted beliefs. I thank once again the University of Ica and the Mexican authorities for their courage and leadership in this process. I want to inform you that the discovery in Peru is much bigger, as we already said, than considered. In the coming weeks, attempts will be made to prevent the information provided here from transcending with crude efforts; there will be attempts to discredit the evidence that will be scientifically substantiated here. Any effort in the opposite direction must be substantiated with the same scientific basis as will be done here. The truth is only one, and it will be on the side of whoever best demonstrates it. Shortly before this public hearing, we learned that the bodies recently seized at the Lima airport by the Ministry of Culture are being destroyed with the sole aim of proving that they are composite bodies. Later on, we will have detailed information about this sad chapter. It is necessary for us all, researchers, and institutions, to seek transparency. Our children and those unborn deserve it. Thank you very much.


Jesús Ángel Guevara Madrigal - Mexican Air Traffic Controller

Yes, Don Jaime, thank you very much; as agreed, you will follow up on the program. If you please, we invite to the podium Mr. José Ángel Guevara, an air traffic controller who is going to give testimony about the intense activity that is currently happening in the skies of Mexico. Go ahead, José Ángel, please.

Thank you very much. Good afternoon, everyone. Deputy Sergio Gutierrez Luna, we thank you and the other deputies for the courtesy of receiving us at this second public hearing for the regulation of unidentified anomalous aerial phenomena, or UAP, for its acronym. Thank you very much for being here with us, ladies and gentlemen. It is a great pleasure for us to be in this parliamentary representation, and for me personally, as a Mexican, it is an honor. I am here before you as a Mexican air traffic controller to share some of the data, as well as documented support of sightings and reports of unidentified anomalous phenomena. Currently, an unusual phenomenon is occurring in the skies of our country, a phenomenon which I, especially as an air traffic controller of the United Mexican States in the category of en-route radar, have been able to witness through the numerous reports of sightings and unidentified aerial phenomenon, anomalous aerial phenomenon, by the crew of aviators who fly daily through the national airspace and whom I consider and can attest to be highly professional and possess a respectable credibility accompanied by an indisputable seriousness. These reports have consisted of frequent visual observations of luminous or incandescent phenomena during night-time flights, sometimes described as fireballs, and other times reported in flotillas of numerous luminous elements that fill the sky, making themselves visible to the crews in the cockpits of planes en route, that is, in straight and level flight. These sightings have described the phenomena in question as lights with flashes and shimmering typical of what would be a commercial plane or aircraft. In addition to performing maneuvers that exceed the flight movement capabilities of any known aircraft in aeronautics, as well as those that defy the laws of aerodynamics of planes, as far as I am concerned, when I have been informed of the event and asked for information regarding the observed lights as well as based on the position and direction provided by the pilots in reference to the observed phenomenon, these do not appear on the radar screen as known or identified traffic, which baffles and amazes both pilots and air traffic controllers, a fact that further increases the question of this extraordinary phenomenon. It is worth mentioning that these types of events are not exclusive to the present. During the 28 years I have been exercising my aeronautical duties, I vaguely remember having received one or two similar reports earlier in my career, but without a doubt, this year 2023 has been a year with a high number of sightings compared to the previous one. Next, I will show you evidence of what was described in some audios, please.

At 3 o'clock there’s traffic, at 3 o'clock exactly 5 miles at 32, I don’t know if that's the traffic you are referring to. I have it in sight, but this is as if they were making shapes, and I don't know. It’s unknown if they are planes, but apparently, they are at the same level, yellow in color. Wow. No, I have no notification of... of those, those objects, captain. And how many objects appear to be? I can count about eight and they light up and turn off and they form shapes. Right now, you are appreciating blue details. Mexico one out of curiosity, do you have any report of traffic on our left side? Truthfully it’s hard to estimate, but I guess no more than indeed umaa if the radar has it, umaa that is on our left. Yes, umaa is to your left about 14 miles. Gosh. Well, no, I have no reported traffic, and I haven't observed any in that area. The closest traffic to you is about 123 miles away. Good evening, flight level information, we also had positive contact with, thanks 6108, good night, and if it's Starlink I doubt it, I doubt it, it looked bigger than…

It was static, the lights were static, and there were more than 100 lights, many lights, yes, kilometric the sequence of lights. Here we continue with Jesus. Boca has traffic at three, exactly opposing evidence,

and I hope that with this brief appearance that you have in this place, this information will be useful to achieve the objectives pursued in this hearing, and that the reforms and additions to the Mexican Aerospace Protection Law on the unidentified anomalous phenomenon are approved. From my part, I thank you very much for your attention, I am at your service.


Jaime: Thank you, one question. Ángel, are you saying with what you’re telling us that there is more and more activity in the skies of Mexico?

Yes, Jaime, as I mentioned on an occasion, I had one or two a long time ago, but this year, 2023 in particular, the report of sightings has exploded exponentially. What do you attribute it to? Well, since they don’t tell me, they are anomalous phenomena not identified on our radars, we only see the traffic that is intended to be seen through a transponder device; we cannot see flocks of birds or bad weather, we only see the planes that allow themselves to be seen on the radar. When something appears that is not identified, we can’t know for sure what it is, but the pilots describe them as elements or things that do extraordinary things that defy any law of gravity, physics, or aerodynamics.

Jaime: Is there a log, a control, or a file follow-up of this reported?

No, when there is always a supervisor on a shift, it ends up as a comment; it stays as a comment. Everyone looks at each other's faces; it's such an astonishing fact as it is confusing, and these audios, I borrowed them to share them with you, but currently there is no investigation file nor is there a record of all this type of countless reports that not only I, but many colleagues have had throughout this year. Thank you. It would be convenient to establish some type of official investigation office? Yes, it would be advisable that when that type of event occurs, they are documented, and the recordings are kept classified for any kind of consultation. Thank you very much, you're welcome.

We brought some videos; I don't know if they can be shown, just three or four of recent notable sightings regarding these anomalous objects and planes, banyak. [Music]... Part of their celebrations, so we want to invite a very special princess named Ana, yes, today is her birthday, we wish you many blessings. And it's not a... it's not a drone, it's not a balloon, it's an anomalous object, and I think it was recorded from an airport by a passenger, the object hovering over the runways of the airport, thus demonstrating that they are constantly near planes and constitute a real danger as José Ángel Guevara can recognize, because they have to deal with this constantly.

So I think I invite the deputy Sergio to consider with these modifications to the laws that some type of office that investigates this phenomenon can be established. No, thanks. Well, now we go to the lawyer from Peru, Dr. Rafael Arcángel berrocal Ramos, who will present a paper on legal gaps in the management of non-human biological beings, does that sound good to you?

"Good afternoon to all the men and women of the world and to the authorities that allow us this opportunity, in a very special way to our friend, the brave deputy Luna. Thank you very much for opening this new window of human challenge on this planet. Today we are here to address an exciting and transcendental subject that has captivated humanity's imagination for decades, the existence of non-human lives and unidentified objects, also known as non-human anomalous bodies.

It's time to address some legal gaps in relation to the scientific studies of these phenomena and work together to promote a law that allows us to know the truth and leave a legacy of knowledge to future generations. Because we believe it is a fundamental human right to know the truth and to explore the vast universe that we inhabit.

For centuries, our curiosity and thirst for knowledge have been primary impulses that have driven our progress and development as a society. However, in the case of anomalous beings, there is the possibility of non-human life, and we face a legal vacuum, a lack of a normative framework that allows us and guide us in our research with the states' legal backing around the world. As we look to the stars, our children and grandchildren do the same, and they have every right to know the possible truth hidden beyond our planet.

It is crucial to promote a solid legal framework that fosters scientific research in the field of non-human anomalous bodies to explore and better understand our place in the universe and, ultimately, offer a clear vision of our potential interactions with strange, unidentified beings in the past, present, and future. Clearly, there will be risks and challenges as many scientists have suffered, but they managed to propel the ideas of survival on our Earth. We know from testimonies the existence of non-human visitors. But what do we do as a nation? What do we do as states? What do we do as a country? We simply do not support scientists in the proper management of non-human biological remains.

This means that our humanity continues deeply submerged in ignorance of the new sciences or beings superior to our Earth or civilization. It would be a great challenge for humanity to absorb their knowledge and scientific advances for the benefit of our humanity on our planet Earth. Therefore, it is important to promote the enactment of a law that regulates scientific studies, not only allowing us to advance our understanding of these mysterious appearances or visitors to our Earth but also being an essential step towards transparency and equal access to information about potential contacts or presence of strange anomalous non-human beings.

Scientific evidence should not be a privilege of a few but a right of all human beings, based on the right to freedom, based on the right to knowledge, the right to life, the right to work, the right to free liberty endorsed and supported by our constitutions. Moreover, we must consider the impact of a law of this nature on the economy and the technological industry. We know that space explorations and scientific studies have generally led to significant advances in different areas such as medicine, communication, and computer science. By investing in this research of non-human anomalous beings, we could open up new opportunities for the development of revolutionary technologies, creating jobs and stimulating economic growth around the world.

It is our responsibility as human beings to research and understand our environment, even if that means delving deeper into the mystery of the universe. By promoting a law that regulates the scientific studies of anomalous bodies, we protect and exercise our right to know the truth, ensuring equal access to information and leaving a legacy of knowledge to our children and future generations. It is the responsibility of all of us. Anomalous bodies or objects should not be seen as sources of fear but as doors to a new understanding of our existence. I urge us to join our efforts and work together to promote laws that support and classify the special findings for the purpose of declaring them as a heritage of humanity, which will allow us to move towards an era of amazing discoveries and, above all, help us to be closer to understanding our place in the cosmos.

Therefore, I call upon the presidents, ministers of state, deputies, congressmen, legislators, to propose a constitutional reform with explicit normative regulation in order to support scientific acts of discoveries to new knowledge about strange beings that come or have historically existed, for scientific analysis, so that human beings may know the science of secrecy by resorting to a constitutional right. We must declare as a precedent to this declarative the lack of solid scientific evidence from a scientific point of view that supports the claims of sightings of unknown beings due to the lack of verifiable evidence and the replication of results in research; hence, ufology is not considered a conventional scientific discipline.

Furthermore, we can denote biased research because there are critics without proven scientific knowledge; it is said that ufology is often biased by the belief in the existence of foreign non-human bodies, but that is due to the selective search for evidence that supports their conclusion. But because these theories are spread in the world, mainly due to the scarce international cooperation, like Peru, Mexico, and other countries that converge on planet Earth, we can here implement the analysis of government secrecy.

Citizens of the world, scientists, politicians, authorities pushing for greater international cooperation should do so. Of course, we should. In the investigations of sightings of anomalous non-human bodies, we are committed to focusing rigorously on the collection and scientific studies of data based on evidence and the application of all solid scientific methods to address the legal voids and could be a great challenge in the formalization and legality of ufology that allow potentially uncover the existence of non-human beings whether historical, present, or future. I call from here to a reflection on all human beings of the world. Do we not have the right to know the existence of other sciences, other intelligences? Why should we limit ourselves to complete ignorance of a scientific investigation backed by our countries, our laws, and regulations? Our children must know the truth because they deserve to rewrite the history of humanity with the realities of other intelligences, of other knowledge, to balance the solid existence of man's knowledge, thus consecrating the universal right of man, which is the freedom of knowledge.

Given the circumstance of this great event, this meeting, it really is like the audience, as they say, in the public view, with the permission of our deputy and those present, accompany me in three cheers: Long live humanity! Long live the universal right! Long live, long live! And long live knowledge! Many thanks.

Thank you, attorney. Uh, uh, it means that at this moment uh, in Peru, these anomalous biological bodies are not protected, not only in Peru but in all the countries of the world where unknown non-human bodies are found, because there is still a lack of a constitutional reform to legitimately recognize which segment of life or criteria these elements belong to. Therefore, it is important that each of the countries takes into account and reconsiders undertaking a thorough study to be able to intervene in a constitutional reform, and from here, I must greet and congratulate this chamber that really is taking an initiative, a start that we should continue with this desire to improve, to overcome certain restrictions of ignorance that we have in science.

You, until very recently, were quite skeptical. What changed your mind?

Yes, like everyone, perhaps we are skeptical of these new appearances, of new... I was personally witness that the body that will be presented, if it is identical, it is legitimate but unknown to human beings. Therefore, science should investigate, should delve deeper to provide a re-registration of the history of humanity.

You are a very recognized constitutional lawyer in Peru. Does it mean that you are going to make a proposal through congress to change laws according to the civil rights of our Peruvian society? We as a group of professionals or as an institution particularly have the right to propose legislation, but it's also the order of the Peruvian Bar Association. We will implement this if no parliamentarian dares to do it, but I believe, on the contrary, today we are accompanied by great friends, two parliamentarians who dared to come here to really know, and I want to see that this presence is highlighted, congressperson, please stand up to give them a warm welcome and hug. [Applause] Thank you very much, Congresswoman Gutiérrez and Congressman Tacuri. Truly they are from the interior of the country, but just like them, we all have to sweat the jersey to seek hope in the world. Thank you very much. [Applause] Thank you.

Statement From the National University of San Luis Gonzaga

Well, uh, I want to present here a letter sent by the rector of the University of Peru, Mr. Moreno Leguía, rector of the university, which was signed by 11 professors of the university. This as a preamble to the presentation of the research that various scientists of the highest level are going to carry out here, let's listen.

National University of San Luis Gonzaga, Year of Unity for Peace and Development. Statement from the University of San Luis Gonzaga, Ica, about the tridactyl mummified bodies. UNSLG Ica, Peru, wishes, through its research team, to address the scientific community at national and international levels, as well as the authorities and the general public, to inform about our study work in relation to the tridactyl desiccated bodies with both human and reptilian characteristics, which have been known in the media as the mummies of Nazca. These mummies were discovered in the provinces of Palpa and Nasca in the department of Ica, Peru. As time has passed, this finding has gained notoriety in the media, generating controversy and debate. In this sense, we wish to clarify and communicate the following:

One. On August 1, 2019, the National University of San Luis Gonzaga (UNSLG) of Ica, Peru, received four desiccated bodies with both human and reptilian characteristics. These specimens were handed over by journalist Jorge Israel Mantilla Carvajal in the exercise of his right to confidentiality and in compliance with the principle of confidentiality of the source of information, in accordance with article 2, subsection 18 of the political constitution of Peru. The delivery of these bodies was carried out for the purpose of their custody, conservation, and for conducting research aimed at elucidating the authenticity of said desiccated specimens.

Two. The larger body, which we have named Maria, resembles a human being in size but with notable anatomical differences, including an elongated skull and the presence of three fingers on both hands and feet. Osteological and imaging analysis of the extremities shows structural harmony and congruence, without evidence of mutilation of phalanges, and rather shows inflammatory sequelae in the dorsal spine and feet, except in the case of the smaller body we have named Wawita.

Three. The smaller bodies, approximately 60 cm in length, show a morphological and anatomical structure that differs significantly from humans. Their skin presents morphological and histological features that resemble those of reptiles. Both hands and feet are tridactyl. Additionally, they have voluminous skulls, and their bone and joint system, in general, differs notably from human anatomy, showing unique, atypical and sui generis traits and characteristics. It's important to highlight that no metallic rigid elements or joint support have been found in any part of the body. Due to the uniqueness of these bodies and the marked anatomical and structural differences, more exhaustive research is required to better understand their nature.

Four. Metallurgical analysis conducted by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) on a pectoral metal implant revealed an important finding. It was determined that the implant is composed of an alloy of several metals, with osmium being the predominant element. It is relevant to highlight that osmium is an element that was officially discovered by Smithson Tennant and William Hyde Wollaston in the year 1803. Due to its electrical properties, osmium is used in manufacturing certain electronic devices and in the production of sensors. Additionally, optical metallography microscopic study revealed the existence of a matrix of microstructures with microporosity and microinclusions in the implant.

Five. However, despite advancements that point towards the confirmation that these bodies are biological and real, and the presence of osmium in a metallic implant, it is evident that more exhaustive studies are needed due to the marked morphological and structural differences that have been detected by comparative anatomy. Therefore, it is important to highlight that these preliminary results are not conclusive.

Six. During the custody and conservation period of the desiccated bodies, our research team, mainly composed of medical specialists, has faced multiple obstacles and difficulties in the execution and proper completion of the investigations. These challenges include the pandemic, budget constraints, lack of institutional support, lack of logistics, necessary equipment and technology, as well as legal interferences from entities such as the Ministry of Culture and the Public Prosecutor's Office, among others. Despite these obstacles, we have managed to carry out imaging studies based on radiographs and tomography using resources provided by the researchers themselves, and metallurgical studies with the support of the National University of Engineering (UNI).

Seven. It is important to highlight that at no point has the research team claimed that these bodies belong to extraterrestrial beings. Throughout our investigations, the most we can affirm from a scientific perspective is that they are biological bodies of unknown origin that existed in ancient times but are not human. Our approach is based on rigorous study and the search for answers within the field of science, without making speculative claims about the nature of these bodies.

Eight. It is important to emphasize that from the beginning, no member of the research team has been motivated by media, political, economic, or any other kind of interest.

Nine. Our sole intention has been to conduct scientific investigations to rigorously determine whether the tridactyl desiccated humanoid bodies are authentic or falsified, whether they are of biological origin or not, and to unveil the mystery surrounding their authenticity. Our commitment has been the advancement of scientific knowledge and the search for objective answers about these specimens.

Ten. Finally, as a result of our investigations, the research team has concluded that the studied desiccated bodies are completely authentic from a biological point of view and do not show signs of having been manipulated or assembled in any way. Our scientific approach has been rigorous and the results contribute to the authenticity of these bodies. Letter signed by 11 professors of the University of San Luis Gonzaga de Ica, Peru.

Peru, this seems to be a compelling statement from the university, refuting any of the questions that have been made anywhere in the world, especially in those places where no research has been carried out to determine the authenticity or not. The most qualified, no doubt, are those from the University of Ica, who have had the bodies in their possession for 4 years, they have investigated them day and night, so to reach this conclusion, in my opinion, makes it absolutely compelling.

Now I would like to invite to the podium Mr. Thierre Jamin, without whose participation this would never have happened. When we first saw these images on the internet, we truly thought, like everyone, that they were created, that they were not real. However, when I spoke with Thierry on the phone, thanks to the intervention of a colleague Fernando Correa, I was able to establish this communication with Thierry, and he emphatically said, "Come to Peru. Come see them for yourself, not through images." That's what I did, and like everyone who has approached these bodies, I came to the same conclusion: they are authentic. So, I would like to thank Thierry Jamin for collaborating with us, for helping us, for giving us all the research he did, to be known to the entire world. Please, go ahead.

Thierre Maurice Pierre - Researcher at the Inkari Institute

Well, Mr. Deputy, Mr. Congressmen, ladies and gentlemen, first of all, it is a great honor for me and the Inkari Institute to participate in this great event, organized by Mr. Deputy Sergio Gutiérrez Luna and Mr. Jaime Maussan, in this temple of Mexican Democracy, to evoke before you the very controversial case of the non-human Nazca mummies, found or supposedly found at an as-yet-unknown site located north of the city of Nazca, on the southern coast of Peru, by the infamous, in quotes, Jaime Maussan.

Leandro (intended: 'Jamin'), in the course of 2015, as far as we know at the Inkari Institute, I want to clarify that we have nothing to do with ufology. We carry out archaeological research, and that's all. In October of 2016, we were contacted by a Peruvian journalist, Mr. Terrios Tambini, and a certain Paul Ronceros, who had recovered strange biological mummified objects. He told us that one of his friends, the infamous Mario, had found near a funeral site north of Nazca a strange subterranean archaeological complex composed of galleries are tunnels and rooms on various levels, and in very poor condition. In this same place, several remains were found in different sectors. Paul Roncero wanted to know if we could help him determine the authenticity of these relics and if we could assist in spreading this information. When we were convinced that it could be a serious and real matter, we decided to investigate this case with two main objectives. First, to share the information so that it cannot be hidden, and second, to investigate whether these mines were authentic or fake, within the context of modern trafficking or fraud. We believed that if there was even a one in a million chance that all of this was real, it was worth taking the risk given the implications at all levels: historical, religious, philosophical, etc.

In January 2017, I sent a letter to Dr. Nieto, the Minister of Culture, and later to the President of the Republic, Pedro Pablo Kuczynski, to draw attention to the possible discovery and the risk of looting of archaeological sites in the Nazca and Palpa areas by treasure hunters, but they did nothing. In February and March 2017, in collaboration with my friend Albon and with the support of many internet users, we financed and began researching various biological elements that Mario had provided. At that time, they were severed heads and large three-fingered hands. Later, in March, Mario revealed complete bodies of humanoid-reptilian types. The first was named Albert by internet users, and the second, which we can see on the screen, was named Josefina. Josefina is 57 cm tall, Albert is 60 cm, and it has a metal plate at chest level. We discovered that Josefina had four eggs in her abdomen, three eggs in formation, and a tiny egg in formation in an oviduct. All three were complete.

Around this time, we met Mr. and also our friends from, and thanks to them, we started a very important collaboration. A few weeks later, Mario discovered new and incredible bodies, including Maria, who seems to be a hybrid. Then Mario showed us Victoria. All of them have names, and Victoria fits the family. In November 2018, with the help of Congressman Armando Villanueva, we presented to the Peruvian Congress all the analysis results we had conducted over the years with Mr. Jaime and Gaia.

It turned out that all the specialists who came to Peru to study these bodies concluded that they are authentic biological beings. These beings were alive at some point in history, and the laboratories determined that these bodies were centuries, even millennia old. The DNA of these beings does not belong to the human species; hence, the laboratories speak of at least two unknown species. I want to emphasize this important point: none of the laboratories mentioned extraterrestrials.

Finally, in November 2018, with our friend Jois Montilla, we convinced Mario to hand over the studied mummies to the National University San Luis Gonzaga for their own analysis and conclusions. Despite the strong worldwide controversy generated by these mummies, all specialists who took the trouble to come to Peru to study them concluded their authenticity. Regrettably, none of the specialists or pseudo-specialists claiming fraud ever came to Cuzco or Ica to study these mummies, not a single one.

Before handing over to the specialists who are here to present their various analysis works and conclusions, I would like to quickly mention Dr. Cliff Miles, a retired paleontologist from the United States. He has an impressive career, having created one of the most important paleontology museums in the country. He has studied several of these bodies and has reached the following conclusions: first, they are authentic bodies that underwent a mummification process. Their bodies were subjected to at least two types of baths to better preserve them. The first was a kind of resin. For example, Josefina clearly has particles from the application of resin, and Paul has clear drip lines, as well as an area where the first application did not cover his entire skin; we can appreciate his skin. Diatomaceous earth was the other application in the mummification process, etc.

In conclusion, I would like to invite researchers from around the world to keep an open mind and join this investigation. I also hope that the Peruvian authorities, such as the Ministry of Culture, will show the same open-mindedness and be willing to work hand in hand with specialists and scientists from the National University San Luis Gonzaga. Likewise, I hope that at the end of this research process, all the discovered mummies will return to the Nazca region. I regret that some of these mummies have left Peru; the Inkarri Institute does not approve of the trafficking we denounce, and we hope that these specimens will eventually return to the country, like the hybrid mummy that Roberto from Nazca showed me a few days ago. It seems to belong to the same species as Maria, and we are investigating this case; that's an exclusive. It was a surprise for Jaime. I believe it is a great cultural heritage of the nation and humanity. If these bodies are authentic, it could be a significant archaeological discovery, one of the most important in history.

Finally, I would like to announce the launch of a major museum project for non-human mummies of Nazca in the Nazca-Palpa area for 2024. My team and I will be in the Nazca area to find local stakeholders for this major project. Therefore, we need the support of the population, local and regional political leaders, and good collaboration with the Ministry of Culture; without which, we cannot do anything. I believe that this project could contribute to the tourist development of Nazca and Palpa. The Inkarri Institute will work on this in the coming days, weeks, and months. To conclude, I would like to congratulate the congressman and my friend Jaime Maussan very strongly for everything they are doing to bring out the truth. Thank you very much. Long live Mexico and long live Peru.

Jaime: Thierre, thank you very much, Thierry. It means that there is much more?

Yes, the site, for me, is the hottest point. And if the site exists, and we know it does, there must be hundreds or thousands of these bodies. The iconography found between southern Lima and northern Chile in textiles, ceramics, and petroglyphs shows these three-fingered reptilian beings with eggs in the Paracas and Nazca cultures. We're talking about the past 1000 years, the 7th century BC; Nazca goes up to the 6th century AD. We talk about 1000 years of possible contact between the locals of this area and a people whose origin we don't know. But it is evidence that such contact has occurred. And in this site, there may be perhaps thousands of these bodies.

There are two very important elements: one that will be discussed now and will reveal something extraordinary, the possibility that it is a hybrid; Maria, who could have created a hybrid with genes, well... I won't get ahead of the experts with different genes from different species. For me, one of the definitive proofs is the DNA results that we have done with you, with the friends from Gaia, which confirmed that they are not human. I think we have used the professionalism of the most advanced laboratories in the world, and their conclusions are very clear.

Similarly, fingerprints have been found on the hands and feet of Maria, and these prints are not of Homo sapiens. We have spiral prints, while Maria has parallel prints. Today, who can traffic DNA or fingerprints? It's impossible. The other is the metals in the implants in the bodies of these beings. I don't know if you saw it at the beginning. We showed a specimen we named Artemis, which has three eggs, seven plates, and these plates have osmium. Who put it there? That's the million-dollar question. If osmium was only discovered two centuries ago, we are talking about more than 1000 years. So, all this is open to imagination. We won't say what we shouldn't say, but we leave these questions open that will have to be answered someday.

Jaime: I congratulate you on all your work, and the Inkarri Institute, you are not alone; there is a whole team behind you who also deserve recognition. I take this opportunity you gave me to greet my friends, Eduard Valenzuel, who is here in the room, and Jose Casasfranc Mones, the vice president of the institute, Ilber Sumire, Domingo Farfan, Alan Bon, who is watching us from France. Hello, Al? And thank you very much.

Jaime Thank you very much, Thierre. Well, before continuing with the evidence that will be presented, leaving you astonished, as happened in the first hearing, I want to invite our friend Claudio Yato, a very famous rapper from another generation, to say a few words, please.

Claudio Yato - Mexican Rapper

Good afternoon, everyone, members of the Chamber of Deputies. Thank you very much, Sergio. Thank you very much, godfather Maussan. I came to crash your conference. I'm not a scientist, but I want to tell you something: I've been lucky since 1984 when I saw for the first time in the sea of the universe, Godfather Maussan showed the photographs of the Swiss gentleman, Billy Mayer. I said, they're too good to be falsified, and one of the things I heard there was, "if you want to see UFOs, you have to look at the ceiling." And since 1984, I've had many sightings. Today, thanks to technology, I've had the opportunity to record many events that happen. I've already sent several to Maestro Tlascaltecas, steles, cylinders, saucers of all kinds, and I've been able to record them from my home because technically I live on an eighth floor where I have a view of about 280 degrees. And as they say, "and how do you see them, Yato, do you call them?" I say, "I just do nam, and suddenly," I say, "well, just looking at the ceiling."

The truth is, I have no scientific proof. I have the videos, and I really don't believe in UFOs because believing is doubting. I know they exist because they happen every day. I tell you, I see Isla, I see El Ajusco, and I see Santa Fe, and it seems like the peripheral of them is there, godfather. I've sent him several, Mr. Maussan says, "Hey, but they look very small." I say, "well, loosen the camera, Claudito." Juan and I tell you "your la er." In fact, at the beginning of my career, obviously, the songs that were known was the first one, I think "El Capitan," but the first one I released is called "El Planeta," and technically it was the message, right, that Milly Mayer gave us through the program that I saw with Mr. Maussan, about the destruction of the ozone layer that was happening. That's what the song says. I talk about 60 minutes because that's where I heard the whole message. And really, we are in an oasis in the universe, and it seems to me that these gentlemen seem to be just waiting for us to destroy ourselves, so that this race ends and they can recover the rest because we keep polluting the planet. I sing to the planet; we have talked about wars, about pollution, about how we are wasting an experience of 15 billion years of cosmic evolution in an absurd destruction by war and pollution. What happens in the first second of the next cosmic year, as Mr. Sean would say, what happens in the first second of the next cosmic year will depend on what we do here and now with our intelligence and the knowledge of your planet. Hurricanes, torrential rains, earthquakes, sexual infections – that's the response we're getting from the planet. That humans are losing conditions day by day, getting worse. I keep rapping, saying prayers when we should take care of the ground we're standing on. We're fooling ourselves if you don't think about that, if it doesn't go through your head, or is it because you have the money and an 'ananasa', and on the moon, they build you a house.

Dr. David Willy Ruiz Vela - Plastic Surgeon

Good afternoon


Jaime: Well, now I give the floor to, with the permission of the deputy, to Dr. David Willy Ruiz Vela from the National University of Ica. A man who was president of the Peru's Association of Legal Physicians is part of the New York National Academy of Sciences and has all my respect in the days I've known him. He is a man, uh, with a deep experience and knowledge, and I ask that we listen to him with great attention and care. Go ahead, David.

Thank you very much, please, let's start with the video. The first video. There is only one. Well, I thank the organizers and you, lawmakers of a brother country, for opening your minds to disruptive elements that for most people require stepping out of their comfort zone and worldview. For others, perhaps forcing their lethargic paradigm paralysis.

The initial videos that will be shown while I do the first part of my presentation are a tribute to more than 100 professionals who have worked hundreds of hours over about 6 years. The second video shows moments when I was assessing one of these biological entities.

I, as a legal doctor, which is the Latin denomination of my specialty, or as a forensic, which is the Anglo-Saxon denomination, are prepared to investigate, to seek the truth behind the apparent, to give explanations to a forum like this in such an event. Science has a method, which is the scientific method. In this preliminary research stage, some of the data obtained are already conclusive; however, they require verification by other researchers, in the sense of performing the same analysis to obtain the same result.

In my country, as in many others, there are no specialists in paleogenetics and photon counting tomography, which would be preferable for this study. As a minimum, the highest resolution tomograph possible is required, which will always provide greater precision. This is why a multidisciplinary team and a significant budget are required. Still, in many countries, including my own Peru, with the outdated technology we handle, if, if we could reach the nation's Prosecutor's Office scientific unit, because the chemical analyses would turn out the minerals that correspond to a stone, and there is a huge difference between a stone and a fossil.

The University of Ica is in charge and should be in charge; I am sure it will make the necessary alliances so that in a second stage, it can continue with the investigations when the prosecutor's office of my country suspends the blockages to and the processes against the researchers. Science, gentlemen, is outside of beliefs or non-beliefs. Matters of faith are out of place in this hall. Here, we have demonstrated with evidence our research, and I will present something that will surprise those who can pay enough attention in the following minutes. Before proceeding, I want to record that I studied the high-definition tomographies performed by three tomographs and they coincide with the body that I examined it even verified from the micro extractions required for the studies as well.

I verified that it is not a biological entity previously described on Earth and, as has already been explained, there is no evidence that it is the product of the evolution of any species that has existed at any time or that currently exists, and it does not correspond to any phylogenetic evolutionary process on this planet. I dedicated dozens of hours to ensure there is total correspondence with the tomographic images, and I determined that they are not a product of human manufacturing.

The height of these biological entities is on average 60 cm for mature adults, juveniles about 50 cm, and infants 40 cm. All have the clavicle joined at the front in an articulated fashion. This structure is similar to a furcula, except for one, which the team named 'Josefina' who has been surgically operated, that is, there has been a surgical extraction and a spontaneous vital repair of the bone continuity. Later I will show you the image.

What could be the scapula on the back is united and articulated to what should be understood as the spine. The backs of the hands are forward-facing, they have three fingers on each hand and foot, which is why they are called tridactyl, with three phalanges in each. Each finger ends in a claw. Sapiens like us, our nail is on the terminal phalanx; in this case, the claw is after the terminal phalanx.

The neck is mobile but only in one axis, meaning they can only have movement from side to side, but not from up to down. I am referring to the articulation between the first vertebra and the skull. The neck is also retractable, as is the entire spine, and what we call the abdomen. In the neck area, there is no spinal canal, but there are nerve cords that emerge from the skull in the posterior area and then join to form what we call the spinal cord within a spinal canal starting from the thorax. The absence of a jaw is verified, but there is a respiratory opening and another for feeding. There is an opening for the respiratory and alimentary canal in the anterior part of the skull, which comes out from the anterior floor of the base of the skull towards the front area of the neck. The neck is connected to the middle floor of the skull, not like us Sapiens who have it in the posterior floor of the base of the skull.

These beings were always bipedal, meaning evolutionarily they have not had a stage of using their front limbs for mobility, as we did in our evolution. The orbital sockets have not been manipulated in any of the biological units. The ribs are C-shaped made up of three units, two lateral and one central, articulated, the last two ribs do not have a central part, they would be the inferior floating ribs.

Near where the eggs are in the belly, there are eggs in different stages of gestational progression. This formation would be most similar to ovoviviparous in their matrotrophy mode, which are eggs that require a complementary contribution from the mother through alimentary vessels. And all these come from a placental core. This tomography, I will explain in a few seconds.

Paleogenetics, a science that is forcing us to rewrite history analogously as when judgments had to be rewritten in the United States when DNA technology for identification appeared. Paleogenetics, in this case, has determined that it does not correspond to any species of our known world, that is, we resemble a bacterium more than these beings can be assured that lived on Earth. We do not know with certainty the reason for their disappearance, although we can suppose the hypothesis that they could not adapt to our known world. To make it clearer, they are creatures from another world, but I refer to the world described by paleontologists, anthropologists, and archaeologists, not the moment to rethink the story as it is and let new professionals with qualifications in these new sciences be in charge. I refer to paleogenetics, photon counting tomography.

What I will describe with images in a few minutes is the tremendous disruptive element that for many professionals, even serious ones, will respond with resistance and denial. I proceed to present the images, please, the image. That is the video, good. There you see in the images some arrows that are pointing to the lateral area of the anterior arch of the ribs. Good. I said that the ribs were three parts, two lateral and one anterior. That is, they have ribs in the entire anterior area. Next, if you look there, the green arrows are pointing to the floating ribs, meaning they do not have the anterior part, and the red arrow that you are seeing in the image is pointing to the absence of the anterior part of the arch. Remember at the top where there were no eggs; there were three parts, a lateral part, and an anterior part. Next image. Okay, there we are looking at the area where the eggs are. The top corresponds to a placental area, and those areas that you see in pink are what remains of complementary nutritional elements that the mother gives to the eggs. But I have more enlargements on this, so you are going to be surprised. Next.

Alright, you are going to see there with a green arrow an introduction into the egg in the form of a plexus. You are going to see with a light blue arrow another form of a tortuous vessel that will run behind this egg and two red arrows that are fragments of entry of alimentary vessels towards those eggs. I want to tell you that if you open that body, it will disintegrate like cigarette ash because that's how dehydrated these structures are, that delicate. Next.

Image - it is just a close-up of what I have already explained. Next.

That is another view of what I have already explained. Next.

These are structures found on the surface. They are a kind of verrucas bodies, but they have nothing to do with being warts. Please, uh, they are structures that have also been studied. The next one.

That is the histological study showing that it is keratin, hence it seems analogous to a reptile. Next.

Uh, those would be like the sizes. If you see, they are marked with letters. The largest would be the adult, intermediate among the juveniles, and the smallest among the infants. Yet, there are also intermediate ones, but this is the classification that, at some point, we will tell you what we initially thought. Next.

We called them family one. Next. Family two and family three. Actually, family threes were the most adult, the two intermediates, from family one which was called as the most juvenile, and from family three, if you notice that the adults have a more pointed projection towards the center, I am going to show a case, remember, it is an adult. Next.

This is Victoria who is an adult, and you can see in the furcula on the inner side the tip there is not much projection. Let's zoom in on Victoria's area. Next. Look, uh. It is perhaps difficult for the non-specialist to realize it, but there is ossification post surgery. That is, it’s not only that they extracted it, but also they joined it due to some pathology that she had, and it has re-ossified again. Next.

Alright, there we see the neck. The red part that you see that kind of descends down the neck - those are the cords that will form the spinal cord, which begins to structure when there is a spinal canal that starts in the thorax and runs through the body in the back area. Next.

If so, huh, it is a difficult image to see, but on the side where the pincers are not, rather, the other side is part of the neck, and a neck that was already cut. We have not destroyed anything; nobody from the team has. It fragmented from a neck that was already cut to make samples for DNA. But what I am extracting, what I am showing with tweezers, would be what we call a vertebra, and what is remaining, invisible, more yellowish, would be an intervertebral disc which is spontaneous and thus the body is retractable. Next.

Well, I don't know if you can see it in the figure below, I show what would be a human spine where there are vertebral bodies and the intervertebral cushions or discs. Let's move on to the image, a tomography, but it's drawn. You can see those bodies and what we call those thin ones you see between the cushions would be the vertebrae. Next.

Fortunately, next year you will have the edition of that book that will be released first for the Mexican scholars, summarizing about the thousands of hours worked in your beautiful country. Let's move on to the next presentation.

Next, on the same USB drive, there is another presentation. Look, what I'm going to show you is that last week they asked me if I wanted to witness a new body being scanned with tomography. So, I share with you what we just saw that has not been investigated more than last week's find. Alright, let's move on.

Here it is, this is a photograph. Let's see another external photograph.Good, one more, alright, that's enough.

Now, I want to show you the tomographic part. Please, I'm going to use the same image but I'll put arrows on it. Please, look at the image closely so as not to get lost. Now, let's see the second one with arrows. The yellow arrows would be the ones pointing to the upper part of the oropharyngeal cavity and the red arrows would be the ones indicating the lower part of the oropharyngeal cavity. Remember, it's the same image, only we've put arrows on it.

Next, now on the small part that you see there, we've enlarged it in a frame, the same thing that you see small and bigger. What you are looking at are eggs that have a differentiated structure because they have different stages of gestation, and in black and white right there you can see it very well, and it is shown with little arrows which I would also help myself with. Next image, the little arrows are a help because I cannot use a pointer, that's why we have put arrows. The light blue arrow that you see there towards the top, to one side, would be indicating where almost all the vessels originate. Remember that this is the modality of matrotrophy. Well, the other arrows show how the vessels enter the eggs.

Next, there, it's finished, so no more next. Okay, that was all. Thank you very much for your attention.


Jaime: Thank you, professor. Can these bodies be built?


Jaime: There is no evidence of intervention, but let's say I want to make one, can I do it?

There's no technology, neither you nor anyone, because, very seriously, I tell you, we have reviewed it with dozens of radiology colleagues in my country. And then I said, listen, what if it was artificial intelligence that could do the images, it can't get any closer, what if artificial intelligence could make the image? And colleagues say, well, it could be, but the body that we're seeing, how do you make it? And it's obvious we've seen the tomography. No, I heard you say that not even with millions of dollars could you build something like this. Yes, indeed, when we operate—I'm also a surgeon, a plastic surgeon, for those who do not know, and we do reconstruction, I've done a lot of microsurgery and hand surgery, I'm speaking in the last century, right—but, there always appears to be manipulation on tomography, always, even if I have removed the containment fragment that I used for the operation, and that’s clearly not present here. That's evident. So, the people who say that this is assembled, because in the world it was said that this case had already been solved, that it had been demonstrated that they were beings that had been made... Well, first, to extrapolate, a doll that obviously was ridiculously and grotesquely fake and, from my theory, it's a clumsy and childish extrapolation. In other words, it can't be done.

People who claim they are assembled do not know what they're talking about. They are speaking very unprofessionally, not to say they just want to do tabloid journalism to gain viewership and nothing more. Here I'm going to be indiscreet, professor, what happened with the bodies seized by the Ministry of Culture of Peru just a few weeks ago?

And the Ministry of Culture sent them to the Scientific Research Unit of the Nation's Prosecutor's Office and since they don't have a tomograph, all they have had to do is cut, open, break to later do chemical tests and report that they are the same as what their teams contend. So, they destroyed the bodies. Well, they couldn't do anything else, doctor, they couldn't do anything else; why did they do it? I guess within their vision they might have wanted to search for active biological material after a thousand years of complete desiccation when you—well, you may understand, saying the public in general does not know that when organic matter dries up and years pass, the CHON—CHON is carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen that composes us—the carbon can remain as part of chemical compounds in the matter, but oxygen goes to the air, and nitrogen also goes to the air in most structures, that's what's going to happen and of course, the more components it has... ...of salts as eggshells, the more calcium carbonate they will find and could use those arguments to say that they already proved they are false—definitely, they will use them, es, to say that they discovered they were dolls, to say that they are bodies that have had no life, but I have demonstrated that the anatomical fineness that I'm showing with the entrance of the eggs, the plexus, it is irrefutably vital.

So, the bodies that you investigated are completely real, not fabricated, and there is no human intelligence that could... in other words, any effort in the opposite sense is futile. It harms us all, really, it harms us all because it prevents us from advancing together as civilized human beings. In that sense, the Ministry of Culture is acting against the people of Peru, not in favor.

Well, it seems there is no culture there at all, because what should be done—what the Ministry of Culture in my country should have done is ask the university, which is a university that produces research, but what they have done is the prosecutor of the Ministry of Culture has put a research process on the researchers, so it does not allow them to investigate. Well, that's how upside down we are, it seems that the third world drags us, does not pull us. Thank you, professor. Well, thanks to...


All of you.

Dr. Celestino Piotti - Doctor of Medicine and Surgery, Argentina

Jaime: Now, Dr. Celestino Piotti, who is one of the greatest anthropological researchers in Argentina, species bear his name, a true scientist, only a scientist, and he will make extraordinary revelations. Go ahead, Dr. Piotti.

Thank you very much. Good afternoon to all. I will be very brief in what I am going to tell you, I will tell you and then I will share with you the result of what I investigated in these cases of the Nazca mummies. I always want to clarify that I started my investigation strictly from the scientific method applied to medicine, that is the scientific method where I have no chance to vary the results which are purely mathematical and not subjective whether I like them or not, I simply have to comply with the scientific method. So, I used X-rays of the cranium of a profile, I enlarged them, and entered a series of angles, triangles, polygons, anterior-posterior lines, etc., and measured them. The result gave me a purely arithmetic response, it gave me numbers.

After that, I went to measurements that I had saved from the time I presented my thesis in 2001, where I was able to demonstrate that there are a series of sexual dimorphisms different in men and women, based on bones from the humerus and the sacrum, which are different in men and women. So, I compared those indices that I had saved from my thesis with these, and I got something very curious, which was not something completely opposite from human beings to these beings that we do not know but a zone very close to them. So, if you have a ladder where you want to add one more step, the results of these beings gave me perfectly that I was adding one more step to the evolutionary scale of man.

Then, I compared it also with the theory of evolution that I made opposite to that of Darwin and that I called the Guardian theory in 1980, and it gave me the same results. After that, I was able to determine what kind of brain these people would have had, and I am already calling them people because the final numerical result that it gives me is that they are not individuals from the past or the present, but from the future. So it means that these two beings, Maria and these beings of 60 cm in height, should have existed in the future, not in the past 1000 years or 1 year of difference. But I cannot answer this question, so I cannot do it either. Why do they appear in the past and not in the future when our current human species is disappearing and Maria would be the last link of our human species that is evolving towards another new species? So Maria would have part of her human genetic makeup and part of a different genetic makeup, while the shorter beings would be totally from an evolution of a species that will come after us. Summing up, they would be our descendants. This I leave here; I do not want to keep talking; I want you to share this with me and think very well about what I just said, nothing more, doctor.

Jaime: Doctor, are you telling us that if you project the evolution of the human being into the future, we could probably, in about three million years, be similar to those beings?

It's possible. Look, I'll give you an example of how the earth could be hostile to man at that time, that these small beings, as I call them, come to have a body that no longer serves them to survive, a body that is useless, they cannot walk, they cannot grab things by hand. Faced with the world, if the body no longer serves them, they develop the brain much more to handle everything with the brain.

Jaime: So, despite being small, these beings have a brain that is proportionally larger than ours; they have a brain that is much larger than ours in proportion to their body.

The smaller their body, the larger their brain grows. So, it becomes much more potent. See, I did a projection of what is called the classic polygon which is a polygon that was used in 1850 in the Anthropology Society of Paris with Paul Broca, who was the founder. It divides the cranial cavity into four parts, giving me the upper anterior part, the elusive frontal lobe, not frontal like ours but fallen backward like the monkeys of the Old World or the African monkeys, the Australopithecus monkeys? That's not correct, but nevertheless, what might be seen as a lack of development of the frontal lobe is compensated by Sancho on the sides, meaning that they have broadened towards the sides of the brain because it needed to grow more within the cranial cavity.

Then this gives me a brain base that in humans hardly ever changes—the base of the skull is what moves the least in human evolution. However, it provides [them] with a much larger pituitary cavity than ours, which means great hormonal activity. Then it gives us the back of the skull, a great cerebellar activity, of balance. Why? Because they cannot walk; those three fingers prevent them from walking and moving, and their hands prevent them from grasping things. Therefore, only with measurements and numerical angles that can be measured can be demonstrated because 2 + 2 is 4 and not 10, nor 5, but 2 + 2 is 4. We can see how these beings grew to be able to survive, and they are our descendants.

Jaime: That is, they must have come from another place.

And I believe that following the theory of the evolution of man from the African pithecus, it seems that a very special phenomenon took place at that time, 3 million years ago, where suddenly, from the pithecus, offspring started to emerge, both monkeys and men. This is not explained, and I do not believe that the pithecus is genetically capable enough to produce both monkey offspring and men. It must have been aided by a being that I call the prior being, much more evolved than it, which gives it the human part. By itself, it could not have happened. Well, this is revolutionary, doctor, because the pithecus could not have evolved over 3 million years, and we remain the same as we are. Something would have had to fail; we would have disappeared, but we do not disappear because of that prior essence that provides it with the genetics that the pithecus apparently lacks. Is there some kind of artificial creation? No, it's not artificial creation, it's natural, human creation. Someone carried it out, this superior being, and I would say that God. Well, the superior being is sent by God, eh. It is a person or another being that, uh, has a certain genetic capability that the pithecus does not have, and therefore allows the pithecus to give birth to monkeys and then to men, and they diversify and arrive at the present, and man is man, and the monkey is the monkey that we know now, and then there are these beings that will be us in 3 million years. I don't know, I can't answer that because scientific method does not allow me.

Jaime: One more question, you told me the first time I spoke with you, that whoever said these bodies were assembled was a criminal, right?

Well, what I told you was the following: the person who criticizes without having a scientific method and without having a little knowledge to oppose other knowledge and create more science based on the criticism of the presented method is a person who is extremely harmful. Because not only does he or she lack knowledge, but they prevent societies from growing and gaining knowledge, and societies that do not know end up going to war. Eh, so to avoid all these things, we must study and study everything together and grow in that way. Do you think it's important to investigate these beings? Of course, I think this must continue because they are biological beings that have not lived, do not live, but will live, and we want to see what we are going to leave them, what world are we leaving to them? Thank you very much.


Prof. Roger Zuniga Aviles - Head of Investigation at the University of Ica of Peru

Jaime: Master, now let's go to the teachers of the Universidad de Ica, Dr. Roger Zúñiga, who has led the research of this university in recent years. A very special recognition must be made to Dr. Zúñiga, he has paid for the research with his own money, he has turned to friends and has done everything possible. In return, he has faced fierce opposition. Especially from the Ministry of Culture; he is even legally accused of carrying out this research at the moment. The place where the mummified body Maria is located is closed by and prevents them from continuing that investigation by the Ministry of Culture. Go ahead, doctor.

Ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon, my name is Zúñiga, and I have the great honor of participating in this event thanks to the kind invitation of the congressman Sergio Gutiérrez Luna. I thank him, all the members of Congress, and the Mexican people for giving us the opportunity to tell our truth. Likewise, I greet the two congressmen from my country who are currently in this room. As Dr Vela said, this work that we have done has been a really hard, tenacious work, with all the opposition and the limitations that there were and still are in my country. But before making my statement, I want to convey to you the effusive greeting, fervent greeting from a friend, the rector of the University San Luis Gaga from Ica, Dr Jorge Moreno Alegua, who at this moment is giving us all the support.

Likewise, greetings from the vice-rectors, the deans, the university council, the teachers of the, non-teaching staff of the university, the students of the university community, and the people of Nazca and Palpa. So, please receive greetings from all of them.

Well, on August 1, 2019, not four bodies as already said by a journalist, retaining the right not to give information about his source, we started our investigations with disbelief, of course, taking radiographic samples thanks to the collaboration of a great doctor, a great teacher who has dedicated his life to radiography - I refer to doctor Mendoza Vizcarreta.

These initial images resulted in these bodies showing signs of being real. To deepen the investigations, going into our own pockets, the researchers from our university team took them to Lima to the Quito studio for tomography. Well, the reading of the tomographies confirmed that they were authentic bodies. However, we received a series of criticisms; we were told that these bodies were assembled with llama heads—you have probably heard this before—with bones of children and birds, it was practically a fake. So we moved on to the next phase of the investigation.

Please move on to the image, for the body called Albert that we have in images. We examined the whole superficial upper part of the body and we found absolutely no signs of manipulation. There are no joints, no sutures, absolutely nothing. The body is normal; the skin is completely real. And we realized that the body was keratinized, like reptiles. We realized that the elongated head, as you have seen, does not have an ear flap, does not have hair, and the eyes are too large for the face. The nasal septum is small, a small mouth, and then the whole structure of the body is completely emaciated, ending in four limbs with three fingers in each one. Please show the image.

Well, this one is opaque; you can't see it well. So, to rule out the possibility that these bodies had been assembled, we took samples; you can see the head; we took a sample from the head, and then we realized that when we took samples from the head to see if it was from a llama or not, there was something that moved inside the brain, inside the cranial vault. And we approached that window that you can see in figure three, and we found a strange mass that looked like brain tissue. We took a small sample of this, and then we sent it to Mexico. In the laboratories of Mexico, they have concluded that these are tissues that do not correspond to human brain tissue or other animals. We are trying to find out which animal it might belong to. Well, another image...

Similarly, we took a sample from the part of the thorax, from the right rib, and you can see in image number one that when we cut that part, we found an organ, apparently a liver. There you can see the color. Likewise, a sample was taken. That one is still under analysis. With this, we realized that these beings have a brain and internal organs. The immediate question arises: what grave robber would dare to create a doll, assemble a doll with internal organs? It's impossible. If that were the case, surely these organs would immediately deteriorate for a number of reasons.

Similarly, in the right femur, we also made cuts, took the samples, and these three samples from the head, the thorax, and the femur, we sent them to a friend university, a very prestigious university in Peru, the Engineering University, which has—well, good laboratories, good equipment to research and see if these elements, or rather these samples, belonged to different beings. The biochemical analysis resulted in that the samples belonged to the same individual. This has given us the strength to completely rule out that these beings have been assembled. Please pass it on.

Well, we also turned to another specimen called Luisa. This specimen is characterized by having eggs, unlike the others. We assume it is a female that was in the midst of reproduction, with a swollen belly in which three objects that looked like eggs were visualized. Detractors said that these were pebbles, selected and inserted into the belly of the doll. To rule out this possibility, we also took a sample.

First, we made a hole, a bore with the tools used by dentists, and took the sample; you can see that swollen belly, we took the samples and sent them equally to the Engineering University to see if they actually were elements, animal elements. So, the analyses have also concluded that they are biological elements. So it is completely ruled out that they are pebbles. There you can see in figure two, uh, the radiography that was taken with that incrustation with, uh, that hypodermic needle, introduced into the part of the egg in this case. Well, another image. There you can see the frontal image of the eggs and also the lateral image, let's say. Well, there you can even see a kind of gastric fiber that supports the eggs. Please pass the image. There we can clearly observe a tomographic reading, and when the tomographic cut was made, embryos were found in the eggs. You can see in those figures, embryos, that is, it was in the middle of the reproductive process at the time of its death. Please pass the image. There we have Victoria sitting, the decapitated specimen. There is the tomography. But why am I trying to show this? For a very special, very surprising situation.

Let's move on to the other image. There you can see a being, that is a Wari tissue. Wari is an Andean Peruvian society that corresponds to the Middle Horizon, it was an expansive society, an imperialist society, and in the iconography of this Wari culture, there is a cloth, a headband, that the grave robber took a photo of. There you can see a character, slightly bulging eyes, with a head that seems to be in pain, with raised arms bent in an L, and squatting. But the most curious thing about this is that apparently, there is a cloaca. It is open and there is an object falling that suggests it would continue to be not one, but a creature, a being.

Similarly, you see in the stomach there is no appearance of an egg, that is to say, this would demonstrate to us that these beings were beings that reproduced via egg, and as already said, they were ovoviviparous beings, that is to say, not the offspring developed within the womb, hatched within the womb and then the beings would come out alive.

There is an image, image two is also a Chimú fabric with the same characteristics of this fabric, okay, there the images aren't seen, what I wanted was to show you there, well, no, uh, the previous images aren't seen well, what I wanted to tell you is that females have a plate, not on the chest, a pectoral plate. Unfortunately, you can't see the figures.

This metallic plate has a very exceptional situation because all females have this and I don't know why reason, we also did the cut, took a sample of this mineral, sent it to the engineering university, which is a university that has a lot of experience and quite a few works done, and this high-definition, high-precision equipment with which the samples were made, and three minerals were discovered; one, copper; second, tin; this shows us that they made bronze, and then a third element which is osmium. Osmium, you all, that has been discovered as they said in 1803. Since it was discovered, it was only placed in the periodic table and never had any practical utility until the era of communications. Osmium is an incredibly expensive mineral, extremely scarce in the world, right? And it is impossible that a grave robber, any person, could have used osmium to fake, uh, a figure, an artifact of this nature. Why? Because its acquisition is exceedingly difficult and expensive.

Moreover, the artifact that these beings have in their chest does not have a set of internal filaments; they are two, two parallel plates, not more or less than a thickness of 3 mm, the interior is hollow and inside precisely there is a series of circuits that make us think that it was a very special artifact. I asked the analyst of this mineral, and they said what this artifact could be for, and they said at the very least, it could not be for localization if not for communication. Well, so with time won we have a set of iconographic evidence, not only in Peru, in America, in the world, that represents these beings with the characteristics of these beings found at the university. Many thanks.


Jaime: Thank you, Dr. Roger Zuñiga. It is clear that for you, there is no longer any doubt that these bodies are absolutely real.

Yes, completely, we are sure, not only I, but the 11 professors who have dedicated ourselves to research, and the majority of them are doctors who certify the authenticity. I have brought to this meeting the written declaration of the 11 researchers of the university, a declaration so the world knows that we are facing a set of completely real beings, and we ask the global scientific community, universities, and individual scientists to join this investigative process to reach the truth. Also, to all the detractors, to show us with evidence that these bodies are falsified, that is, you open the doors of the university to any university in the world, alright, that is qualified for this type of research, to anyone. And with open arms, the university is small, modest, but with a big heart, and if you want to know the truth, with pleasure, I will deliver to congressman Sergio, uh, this statement for it to be broadcast in the [Applause] world.


Thank you, doctor, I receive from you and the Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga of Ica, Peru, this statement which talks about the uh mummies, these dried beings as it was said, is signed and sealed by the authorities of the university, and soon we will be visiting you; we will encourage ourselves to visit you there. Many thanks. One last thing, doctor. One last question, you not only open the university to academic institutions, is there any kind of request for individuals or institutions that can provide, uh, financial resources, given that you work really under great limitations? Would this help, the people that are watching us in the world, who might wish to contribute? It would be a significant contribution to humanity's knowledge. How can they get in contact with you? Can you give us an email?

Yes, I have a card here; I don’t know if someone can, no, please say it. Let's see, my email is [email protected]. That’s [email protected], exactly. Right, many thanks, many thanks and good luck.

Dr Mesa / Metallurgy Video

Jaime: Let's continue with the academics, just one more card from because here in Mexico, the National Polytechnic Institute has joined this research to participate and they did us the favor of analyzing the metal from the female that we brought here two months ago, whose name is Clara, and the metal that she has in her chest, and here I will present to you I have the result, the result from Dr. Mesa, doctor of sciences, uh, who is one of the directors of the National Polytechnic Institute that endorses this research and whose interpretation I requested from teacher Fernando Estrada and based on that I present it to you it is very brief please go ahead.

On October 25th of the current year, the analysis by scanning electron microscopy SEM was carried out in the metallurgy and materials engineering laboratories of the National Polytechnic Institute on one of the non-human bodies. The analyzed plate is mostly made up of silver and has traces of other metals. This opens two theories.

First, the metallurgical theory: silver is a metal that in ancient times was difficult to extract. And if we talk about an approximate antiquity of 1000 years, it is complicated to think of very high-grade or high-purity silver, which indicates that one had to have been made by some intelligent being. Two, it had to be made with technology that implies a level of development beyond anything else available at that time. Three, finding a silver plate inside the chest or hands of some being undoubtedly would have had an advanced technological function, since silver is used for different current technologies, in addition to studying its new uses.

Traces of silicon were found which, in conjunction with silver, could open the theory of a technological implementation for some living being, since it is known that silicon is an important part of the body of different living beings. Silicon helps to balance the mineralization of bones; it also plays an important role in improving skin texture, helping to balance cell formation and metabolism.

Second, the theory of technological development: 1000 years ago, there were traces of native silver, but it is very strange to find them and almost impossible with such high purity. It is even easier to find pieces of gold dating from that era than pieces of silver, and the native silver found in nature is normally in alloys with copper and gold. The strange thing is that in this case, none of the mentioned metals are present. We are talking about practically pure silver, and that opens the theory of technological development because finding these peculiar characteristics in objects, vestiges, or discoveries is not common on our planet. And secondly, it opens the theory that that silver must have had some use, one that is not so human in terms of current alimentary or technological consumption.

Traces of silver chloride were found, a chemical compound that is toxic to humans. The fact that there is a silver plate with silver chloride inside the skin of some being tells us that precisely it is not something terrestrial or human that contains it because it would cause strong intoxication. Silver is not a metal that has antioxidant properties. For example, current prosthetics are made of platinum and titanium. Silver is a metal that when producing chlorides creates oxides and cannot be maintained inside the skin of a terrestrial or human being because it would cause strong intoxication. As extra, silver is the best natural conductor that exists. In antiquity, it was believed that the best conductor was gold, but it has recently been discovered that silver is actually the best natural conductor. Well, I think it didn’t show there, but the level of purity of the silver is 95%, which is practically unknown in nature, and therefore it had to have been made or manufactured by intelligent beings.

Dr Edgar Martin Hernandez - Oral and Maxillofacial Radiologist / Anatomist

Jaime: Now we go with Dr. Edgar from the University of Ica, who is going to talk specifically about one of the bodies that we will present to you shortly, which is the body of Maria. Go ahead.

Good evening to everyone. Firstly, my thanks to congressman Sergio Gutiérrez Luna for the invitation. The speaker is a member of the research team at the Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga of Ica, Peru. Uh, I have some slides that you can pass, please.

As an introduction, I must mention that the region from which I come is a region where multiple pre-Columbian cultures settled, such as the Nazca culture, that culture that had the capability of performing cranial trepanations, cranial surgeries, uh, from which also come the elongated skulls, where the Nazca culture also settled with its impressive hydraulic engineering works with the enigmatic Nazca lines, and it is also the area where fossilized remains of prehistoric animals such as four-legged whales, dinosaurs, and recently an exemplary specimen of a whale that has been named Peruc-setus colossus have been found, the slide please, uh it is considered currently as the largest living being that has existed on the planet, which is the image you are seeing, the next one please. Well, I am going to start by mentioning that one of the arguments of the pseudoscientists who say that we or that someone assembled these specimens with three-fingered hands and feet when it has been attempted to do, as I see the image, the next one please, when the fingers are removed from a hand or foot leave marks, the next one, as you are viewing in the image, the arrows point out, the next one, that when this is done, they leave indelible marks, you see those steps, those gaps, that any anatomist or radiologist realizes have been made, these three-fingered hands are false, the next one. We have done some practical experiments, the next one please, with hands and feet and we have found the same results, the next slide. There you see the same thing, a human foot with all its bones, then we removed the first and fifth toes along with their respective metatarsals, and a step is observed there, the next one, so the arrows can be seen, the next one. There are the arrows, the next one, those arrows indicate the places where a void is noted, where the bone corresponding to the finger is missing, the next one please. There we see a hand too, the next one. We see that by removing these fingers, the thumb, and the pinkie, they leave marks, those steps or angles where it is observed that the fingers have been removed, with this I want to say that it is impossible to carry out this procedure and to demonstrate that these are three-fingered hands, no, the next one.

Well, now I'm going to tell you about the examination we have done on the head of the specimen named Maria. This specimen has two parts on the head, like the human, and divided both parts by the cranial base, we have measured the volume that each of these parts, skull and face, has. And we have found differences. In a normal adult human, the proportion of the cranial and facial volume is one to one, as we can see in the image. Therefore, for the volume calculation, I have used the formulas that any schoolchild knows, multiplying the length by the width by the length—no, the three dimensions.

Next, in this tomography image, we have calculated diameters and lengths using a software called Radian Dcon. With this software, we have calculated those diameters for this sizing calculation. We have done it scientifically using the resources of craniometry, that is, we have used craniometric points that I am not going to delve into the technical matters, but as you can see there in the image, the skull has two dimensions that are on green lines: one that goes from front to back which is the length and another that goes from the base of the skull to the highest part of the head which is the vertex point. There are two dimensions. As for the face, we also observe two dimensions, a dimension that goes from front to back—the length—and another that goes in height from the cranial base to the chin. Next, so there we already have two dimensions, we would be missing a third one to calculate the volume to each of these parts of the head. In the image, we are looking at the biparietal diameter, which has been used to obtain the third dimension. The calculation that you are seeing there in the image allows us to determine the volume by applying the formula. We determined that the cranial volume of the specimen María is 10995 cubic centimeters (cm³). Next. Likewise, at the cranial level, using the bizzigomatic diameter, we already have the third dimension. By making the corresponding calculation with the aforementioned formula, we obtain a volume of 1575 cm³ for María's face.

Next, then we see that comparing these dimensions in the case of the mummy María, the proportion of the volume of the face and the skull is 1 to 1.3. In the normal adult human, it is one to one. The difference is 419 cm³. What does this mean? That there is 419 cm³ more or greater encephalic mass than in the human, according to the criteria and principles of evolution. It means that this specimen should have had a higher intelligence than the human. I'm not saying it, we're seeing it there with the evidence.

Next. Well, we have also determined that this specimen María had a strong positioning of the maxilla projected very far forward. We have determined it also through calculations of craniometry, cephalometry, by the SNA angle. We determined that this angle in María is 108 degrees when the normal angle for a normal human adult is only 82 degrees. Here, as we see, the angulation is extremely elevated, which gives us a diagnosis that María's maxilla had a marked prognathism or maxillary protrusion, which is a rare alteration in humans. This is not frequently seen in humans; it's very rare. It means that all the maxilla with teeth and bone were very projected forward. Next. Likewise, in the mandible, we find the same pattern of osseodental malformation, that is, the jaw was also projected forward. It is determined by the SNB angle, which in the normal human adult is 80 degrees; however, here we had 90 and 90.4 degrees, also extremely elevated. The diagnosis here also indicates that María had a marked prognathism or mandibular protrusion, that is, it was very projected forward as well. This is also an uncommon finding in a normal human. Next. But what's interesting is that in María, both situations were present; she had both maxillary prognathism and mandibular protrusion at once. That's why we say she has bi-protrusion, double, I mean if one and the other were rare, much rarer is to have both. This is not normal in humans. Next.

In this image, we can also see that she had that projection. This is a 3D reconstruction based on tomographic images. Next. But we also detected in this specimen María that she had a periorbital ocular area, meaning she also had the eyeballs projected forward. In the radiographic image, we traced a line that goes from the upper orbital rim to the lower orbital rim, and we noticed that the eyeball is partly projected in front of that line. Considering that the eyeball is essentially more than 95 percent composed of vitreous humor and aqueous humor and that we are dealing with a mummy, then that eyeball must have been compressed and positioned at the back of the orbit; therefore, we assume that María's facial appearance could have been as shown in the image of the woman with very projected-forward eyes. Next. This image shows the normal location of an eyeball inside the mentioned line. Next.

We have also made a characterization of the spinal column, and we have found some lesions. Next. At the level of the thoracic spinal column, we have found lesions at the level of the vertebrae T2, T7, T12, and L1, lesions that correspond to arthropathies, which our specialist, the radiologist Dr. Daniel Mendoza, will explain. We have also found that at the level of the lumbar spinal column, there is one vertebra less. We humans have five lumbar vertebrae; here, there are four. Therefore, this is also not a normal trait in humans. We have many differential features in this specimen; therefore, we assume that it is not exactly human. Next.

We have performed an analysis of the interalveolar region, that is, teeth and alveoli, maxilla and mandible, and we have found interesting findings. For example, what you are seeing there is the first odontogram made. This specimen María had indeed 32 teeth as any normal adult does. However, we found that she had lost six teeth and had only four root remnants, meaning she only possessed the roots of these four teeth. The right and left lower molars on the mandible side were absent. We also observed she had strong tooth wear, a marked wear technically known as dental abrasion. Next. We observe in this mandibular area the loss of three dental pieces, but the strange thing here is that the residual bone has a homogeneity and regularity that is compatible with surgical work, like the professional work that would have been done by a dentist. The question remains: Who did it, when did they do it, how did they do it, and with what instrument were these proceedings done? Next.

We have made a calculation of the age using Broadwell's wear system method; we determined that the age according to this methodology was between 33 and 45 years old. The technical criteria are there in the slide. Next. But we also made an estimation of the age based on the method of the closure of cranial sutures, mainly the coronal suture and the closure of sutures at the lateral ends. According to this technique, María's age would be between 35 and 40 years old. Next.

Regarding the foot, there are also interesting findings. Regarding the bones that make up the tarsus, there is a perfect harmony and congruence with the bones of the metatarsus, the three little bones that are like the roots of the toes. In the first images I showed, note that if the bones of the foot are removed, they leave steps, as you can see there are no such steps; there is a perfect anatomical harmony. Also, at the level of the toes, there are four phalanges. We humans have three; here there was one extra phalange. This is not normal in humans. Next. And something much stranger is the shape of the calcaneus bone of María's foot. We humans have on this calcaneus bone a strong prominence towards the back that forms the heel, which enables us to stand upright and even lean back a little. In the case of this specimen María, the calcaneus was totally different. As you can see in the image, it was rounded and did not have any posterior prominence, which leads us to suppose that María could not stand upright as we do but would lean forward when standing or walking. Next.

Well, we do not have time to talk about the implants – Dr. Roger talked a little bit – but the salient fact here is that it contains osmium, which, as they said, is an element that is used today in communication technology, sensors. Next. Well, to finish, I am going to mention this phrase that reads like this: "Extraordinary hypotheses require equally extraordinary evidence." And we, as a research team, believe we have it. Next. And now, to say goodbye, I am going to bid farewell with this image; it is a carved stone that exists in Peru; it is in the Municipal Museum of Ambo, Huánuco, Peru, where you see an image of two crossed arms, a human pentadactyl and a tri-dactyl there, next to figures of a double helix and three dots. The meaning I leave to you.

Thank you. Nothing else.

Jaime: Given all the differences, there are many similarities with human beings, and there are many differences.

Yes, exactly. There are many differences. This leads us to suppose that María could be a hybrid. We already know that when a specimen has characteristics of one species and has characteristics of another species, that is technically called a hybrid. Were her bones very robust? Yes, very robust, for example, there are more differences that I have not been able to mention. For example, at the level of the forearm, there is an average separation of 21 mm between the radius and the ulna, which is not usual in humans. This is more similar to the arm of a gorilla. We have made a comparative anatomy with the gorilla, and it looks a lot like it. How could a hybrid being be explained thousands of years old? Because this body is 1,700 years old?

Jaime: Yes, exactly, it is something still inexplicable. That's why there is still so much to investigate. Thank you very much, professor.

Dr. Irvin Zuniga - Plastic Surgeon

Jaime: Thank you. Now, let's go to Irvin Zúñiga, please, also from the University of Ica.

Good evening to all present, once again public thanks to the deputy for having invited us and for presenting part of the preliminary studies that we have been conducting so far. Please, can you see the screen well? I don't want to be repetitive and also time is pressing. I want to quickly go over the sampling procedures that were done on the Nazca specimens. Next, as you had already talked about, well, we have some specimens at the university; this one here is Albert, from which samples were taken from three parts of the body, from the head, from the trunk, and from the extremities to later make a correlation to see if they were really composite bodies as they said or not. Next.

To move a little faster, during the procedure, we used some materials and equipment, for example, here we are using an implant motor that is designed to work on bone, not on teeth, not on stone, only on bone to perform surgeries on bone. We were aided by this to extract tissue in a block, either an epithelial plane, a muscular plane, and a bony plane, that is to say, skin, muscle, and bone. Next. From the three regions I mentioned, during that procedure, we came across the surprise that when extracting a block from the trunk part, which would be like a segment of the abdomen because it is united, we found that it hinted at an organ whose position, texture, and color could indicate that it could be a liver, and we were surprised to find it in a good state of preservation considering that these are mummified Nazca specimens over 1000 years of antiquity.

Next, we also took the opportunity to macroscopically examine one of the tiny bones from the fingers, which already had a fracture, to see the composition. If we look at the image on the left, it is the little bone, which are very tiny pieces in these beings of 60 cm. Imagine their little fingers; the phalanges are tiny. These bones are very delicate, and this one had fractured, but we see in the image on the right the composite that it has. It has a coating that would correspond to what is the epithelial tissue and the muscular tissue that is highlighted with the yellow arrow which surrounds the bone. It has the structures of a long bone as indicated by the blue arrow, which corresponds to the cortical bone, and the red arrow that corresponds to the bone marrow, which is the central part. Next, this already indicates that they are biological specimens. We also proceeded to take samples of the other specimen named Josefina, which has the same similarities but has a peculiarity, as already mentioned. This specimen had strange objects in the belly that apparently are eggs.

Next, we took the samples to send them to the university that was already mentioned, the National University of Engineering, for further evaluation. Next, we move a little bit faster to see. So, we took samples from three parts of the head, the trunk, and the limbs. Next, here, the detractors said that these were stones that had been placed or had been placed inside these specimens to try to simulate that they were eggs, so we decided to use the same equipment that is designed, as I tell you, only to work on bone, not on teeth, which is a hard structure, nor on stone, which is a hard structure, but we were able to drill, of course, with some resistance, into one of the eggs, and in another egg, for example, there in the image in the video, we are seeing that we did manage to drill into that egg about 15 mm, the egg a little higher up and directed towards the left side of that specimen, we also made the perforation, and we noticed that it did not offer as much resistance, that is to say, that in the same specimen there were three objects that we could say are eggs that had different densities. This was also sent to the National University of Engineering for evaluation.

Next, this specimen, well here we see a 3D reconstruction so you can better see the distribution of these eggs inside this specimen, of which samples were taken from two of these eggs, and we can also see there the different type of density these eggs have, which indicates that they are in a different stage of development, each one. Next, please. Another peculiarity of this specimen is that it has a metallic plate, as already mentioned, which has been studied. It was also sent to the National University of Engineering for studies.

Next, next, there is the tomography that could not be seen to look at the position of the pectoral plate. Next. But what really caught our attention in the cuts that were made, next please, the cuts that were made sagittally and axially where we can appreciate that this plate is not dense, it is not a compact plate, but it has a hollow structure in the center. It is striking that they could make these types of plates over 1000 years ago, and the experts, the metallurgical engineers, gave us the report and were surprised by many things that, perhaps sometime, they themselves with their academic authority, can explain better; I am just mentioning it. Next.

But what really caught my attention is that when taking the sample from this metallic plate from the central part, and when removing it, as we can see in the image on the left side of the monitor marked with a red arrow, is the space that is left when removing the plate and the central image is the inner side of the plate that has come out with soft tissue attached to the plate, that is, when removing the plate it came out with epithelial tissue stuck to the plate. This leads me to suppose that there is some kind of Biointegration. What does this mean? Currently, with the advance of technology and medicine, we can incorporate inorganic non-biological elements inside a living organism and we can make them integrate, such is the case with the use of dental implants to repair or replace a lost dental structure. But this is done with the support of technology that, through surface treatment of that metal, is then placed inside the bone and takes time because it does not bond to the bone from one day to the next but over a period of several months, and it comes to, if we want to say, fuse with this metallic structure at the cellular level. This process is called osseointegration, and we can see in the image on the extreme right of the screen those green arrows that indicate the bone that is united to that metallic structure that would be the dental implant, which is a metal mostly made of Titanium.

Where this metal has been extracted from the living organism of a living individual and has come out with pieces of bone, we see in the upper green arrow that there is a large amount of spongy bone, and we see the other two lower arrows that are pointing to white bone spicules that have fused, have stuck to that implant, so that when it is withdrawn, it comes out dragging bone. That's the same thing that's happening with this plate. So this is another clue that leads us to suppose that these specimens had been alive when the plate was placed on them and there had to be a process of Bio integration for the epithelium of this being to fuse with this plate. Next. Thank you very much. Those are the insights we can give you for now.

Jaime: Irvin, these analyses demonstrate that this metal had to have been placed there by a very advanced technology by someone who knew what they were doing.

As I tell you, only in this era, in this millennium, we can do that, we place it with different purposes, not only reparative. Even in other countries, chips are being put in, and at that time, we are talking about more than 1000 years ago, it had to have been a species first that had to be alive for that process of Bio integration with the plate to occur, meaning the organism integrated with the plate because it's not simply affixed. The other thing is that they had to have been beings that had a superior intelligence to be able to place and find a way to fuse that plate, the osmium is toxic, osmium causes irritation if one breathes it in, our nose bleeds, our lungs are affected. How can one put osmium there? In metallurgical terms, I couldn't give you my opinion, the metallurgical engineers will, what I do know is that there are many metallic structures that, with current technology treatment, we can avoid such things, for example, copper is now used as a bactericide. Is there any doubt about the authenticity of these bodies, the legitimacy that they were living organic beings? About authenticity, so far the research team, all the tests that we have been advancing, rather confirm that these are authentic beings. There are doubts about many things, like this one right here that is being found, research would have to delve deeper, and each time we carry out studies according to our limitations because we are aware that Peru, as an underdeveloped country, we do not have the technology to conduct deeper studies, but we see that every time we conduct studies, we find things that surprise us.

Even today, standing here in front of you, I remain surprised by the presentation of many of the doctors who have preceded me, many of whom I do not know and am just meeting here at this forum, and I am very surprised by their scientific point of view from their studies, which I find quite astonishing, and I am learning more about this. I mean, it's not that we had agreed because there are other doctors from other countries who have studied on their own just radiographies, they have studied on their own, for example, what was shown too of another metal found mostly in silver, and according to the video is toxic, but every time, more and more surprising things are found, and this really requires a deeper, more detailed study.

Jaime: So, Dr. Roger has already extended an invitation to all the institutions in the world to join in conducting these deeper and more detailed investigations. Many thanks.

Jois Mantilla - Journalist

Jaime: Well, I don't know if we are already connected with Ica in Peru, are we already connected, we go with journalist Jois Mantilla, go ahead Jois, please.

Jois: Thank you very much, Jaime, good evening to everyone in the Mexican parliament, thanks to the deputy Sergio Gutiérrez Luna, to you Jaime Maussan, and to the whole team of Tercer Milenio and the parliamentary team as well for making this hearing possible. Thank you for the invitation, I am transmitting from Ica from the almost bicentennial university, San Luis Gonzaga, the place where the so-called Nazca mummies are kept in custody and under investigation, these dried bodies so impressive, so fascinating that have been described by various professionals, and I am accompanied by the rector of the university, Dr. Jorge Moreno, to whom I welcome and also to the audience from Mexico, how are you, doctor.

Dr Jorge Moreno: Good evening, esteemed.

Jois Mantilla: Through you, my greetings to the most excellent deputy, Sergio, [Music], and he informs us that he is listening, which is what he expects after this injurious process is annulled, which is targeting and has been obstructing the research work within the university, doctor, now that the world is aware of this and with the results you have mentioned in your statement, what comes next?

Dr Jorge Moreno: I believe that the next step is to allow the university and the group of researchers belonging to our university to have, let's say, the wide freedom to continue with the investigations that have already been initiated some time ago, but that are going to have freedom and will no longer be suffering that persecution and that harassment that this group of researchers has been going through, the prosecutor's office, and the public ministry without having the certainty that this here is an unusual situation. I believe that the only, let's say so, institution that has been created for research purposes is the university to investigate and get to the truth of all these beings that are not human so far, that are real beings and do not belong to the group of humans that inhabit the earth then, the doors are open from now on for other researchers from other universities of different nationalities and specialties can contact you, right? I believe that this time it will be wide open without fear, and we will have to already expose to the world, and for researchers to try to get close to those in custody at our university.

Jois Mantilla: Many thanks, doctor, we will still have here also at our side as part of this policy that is also starting both the rector's office and the university of Ica, there are other professionals from other educational institutions in Peru who are interested in investigating.

Annushka Malpartida Caviedes - Forensic Expert

We will move on to Dr. Anusca Malpartida Caviedes, she is a forensic expert of the judicial power of Peru, an expert in criminology. Good evening, Anuska.

Very good evening and many thanks for the invitation. I thank God for being able to be here, and I also thank representative Sergio Gutiérrez for the invitation, um, and well, I'm going...

Jois Mantilla: Yes, she... This... she has conducted a very exhaustive expertise on María, who tonight is shining in the eyes of the world. So let's quickly go over some of the most striking details that Anuska has found, who is also a professor at the Andean University of Cusco.

Thank you very much, Jois. I will do it very briefly. The expertise is quite extensive, but this is only a part of everything that we have been able to see in the case of María. The most notable things that have been found were mainly at the maxillofacial level. First, I'm going to show here, as you can see on the screen, this sagittal cut, we can clearly observe in a normal cortex in a human being, the cortex is quite proportional, symmetrical, a singularity that we can see here in María, and another very notable thing in this sagittal cut is that the proportion, the thickness, is much, much more, much wider, it is up to two or three times thicker, much thicker than what a human being, let's say, who had a 2m2, could have such a thick skull under a normal standard, no, no.

An element to take into account precisely, and the morphology, the shape of María's skull, if you put the theory of the tablets that have been used to make shapes, in her case it is quite even, there are no protrusions, so we could be close to a natural configuration, I mean the skull of María was not culturally modified, nor flattened, nor pressed to stretch, no, due to the regularity of the skull, there are no recesses, there are no protrusions, that cortex would have to be thin, thick, thin, if it was in the places, quite irregular with recesses and protrusions.

Here, for example, another thing that is quite striking is the, uh, the shape of the orbits, the size of the orbits is quite significant in the case of María, uh, in this image where the orbits are, we can observe the size to be 54 mm, the approximate standard is 35 mm. Even in the head of a person of 2 meters, a large head, you do not require such a high standard as what we are finding here, then it undermines the archaeologists, bioarchaeologists, and professionals from the scientific community of our country who say that those eye sockets have been enlarged with a chisel, have been trimmed - not at all.

We can observe quite a regularity, there is quite a proportional symmetry, uniform throughout the outline, here there is no room to… to believe that any kind of modification has been made.

Jois Mantilla: Do you agree, then, with Professor Hernández who preceded us a moment ago?

Correct, yes. This image and the other radiographic images do not show structural alterations. There are no irregularities or segments that could denote an alteration.

Next, let’s see, interesting, uh, here we are going to talk a bit and quickly about the oral-dental condition, uh, I think Dr. Hernández also referred to it, we have quite marked wear, especially in the upper anterior part, in the upper part, the top part has extremely traumatic wear, we are talking about a mummy that had a type or a being that had some type of habit or used the anterior part as a tool, uh, but with things too hard, they have been worn to such an extent that it has lost teeth and the smaller ones continue to be worn, they are almost root remnants, it is due to the amount of food that it ingested or the times it practiced its eating. It could be inferred that it could have had an intake of up to five to six meals a day because they are very hard and quite hard and and the most prominent marking is in the upper anterior part, there is quite a pronounced wear so as to suggest that the teeth were used as a tool.

Here we can also observe the maxillary bi-protrusion that has such an outstanding, quite prominent jaw, that protrusion of both maxillae that could be part of the development or from the diet that it had due to the habit it had, because she had anterior mastication. Aha, now María was also given an odontogram, this with the national technical standard m, in this odontogram all the area you see here, the blue ones, are the teeth that María has lost, are the pieces that it lost in life, it has had its 32 dental pieces, it has had its 32 dental pieces, it has quite noticeable and visible losses throughout the context, but there is also something that draws a lot of attention which is the loss at the level of the jaw, the posterior pieces and the pieces from the edge are quite marked, primarily here is the detail of the wear that is continuous, the wear is well marked, but here in the anterior lower area of the jaw there is a regularity where there has been the loss of the third and second molars.

Jois Mantilla: What does this mean for the public that we do not know about details, probably María had a dentist, that is, we are looking, we are in front of two professionals from two different universities of Peru who are arriving at the same conclusions,

It is very possible that María had an intervention with a specialist who would be an equivalent of a dentist from that time because the ridge is quite uniform, is quite smooth, there is a healing from a loss of between 10 to 15 years ago, it means that a scientist from the United States, from Russia, or from Japan could come and have a diagnosis similar to what you have. Of course, because the information is there, the facts are there, the images are there, the data is correct.

Let’s go to the next one, now, uh, an anthropological scheme from Wira Ler has been used since it gives us the configuration of the characterization of sex in the skull, that is what world anthropologists use let's say to define, characteristics, in the cranium where the first two images we see here correspond to female and the last two images correspond to male. In the first two images, if we compare the skull of María in the lower part, not in the lower part, in the posterior part which is the part of the protuberance of the skull, we can observe here that the development is almost imperceptible and if I wanted to give an approximation, it would be at an intermediate point neither for female nor for male.

Next, now we see in the other context the development of the mastoid processes is also quite wide and large and could not place that context in any of the human considerations, very large, it is very large we are going to see the roofs of the orbits that are on above the edges do not correspond, they are quite flat, it is very marked, we have a development that I gave it a pending point to male but it does not fit, it is my point of view and the public probably agrees that it does not fit with any of those anthropological determinations the morphology is quite robust, robust morphology, now in the lower part it also has more marking towards male, now regarding the hands and only a mention because I think there are other professionals María's hands are quite long, they are quite large, uh, There does not seem to be any type of manipulation.

Now at the level of the feet here I have a radiograph of one of María's feet and we can see uniformity, for example, here if I wanted to mutilate a normal foot I would have the loss of the scaphoid, that is, if I wanted to make a mutilation here there would be a protrusion of the scaphoid, the red line exact and on this side at the level of the cuboid something would be left over instead here we see it's completely uniform the base of the bones when joining with the capitates fit perfectly with each other, there is no manipulation it’s not like an exo and another detail is the part of the distal phalanges we have quite prominent quite large marks that usually are not found in a human body within the conclusions and I say it very quickly, uh, There are no morphological alterations in the orbits, all are regular, the orbits measure uh, 40% more than the classic standard, there is no uh, indication of mutilation at the level of the toes, uh, the hands also as we had already seen are quite regular, there are no alterations, uh this mummy has a male gender approximation due to the tone, the thickness, the prominence of all its features, and yet it does not even uh exceed a female standard and it also exceeds a male one, it is quite unique, quite robust, it is quite robust

Jois Mantilla: Well, I would like to ask one final thing, how do you feel about having briefly participated in this research which is only the beginning?

There is quite a lot of material, it is only the start and there are many more exams that unfortunately due to time we will not be able to share, there is material that can provide ideal indicators.

Jois Mantilla - Journalist

I really want to thank Dr. Anuska Malpartida and also inform the public, the previous audience, many media even used the version of a forensic archaeologist that said that the Nasca mummified bodies were fake based on no written report, only the words of this Mr. Flavio Estrada, and thanks to the intervention of lawyer Jorge Flores, a Peruvian lawyer who is very interested in this case, we have obtained the document that Mr. Estrada was forced to sign because there is apparently no report.

So when his investigation just made a written report and here it is clear in the images that he has analyzed a detached head, a small articulated fragmented complete individual, and a mass that could be a brain mass. This is the document, sir, it has been signed by Mr. Estrada, this has been obtained thanks to the transparency law and here it says in his own report Mr. Estrada says that what he has are not the bodies from algen centers that have been tried to present, we are not trying to to present by the way, we are presenting it with evidence, with science, and with diagnoses from specialists like Dr. [Name] and those that are being presented to the Mexican parliament and we are supporting it while on the side of those who do not investigate, they hide the evidence, do not show expert reports and do not make reports, that is a report that does not even have photos of the samples, it does not have, it does not have the, the laboratory reports, it has nothing, it is a document that they had to do after they were asked to show their expertise.

So I want you to know that we have also formed an institution here in Peru called the Peruvian Alternate Research Institute which will now dedicate itself to supporting and promoting this type of investigation as those done by Third Millennium and Gaya Television, we are going to defend free access to information and we are going to promote that this knowledge reaches more and more people, keep an eye on the Peruvian Alternate Research Institute. Many thanks to all the public that follows us through the signal from the Congress of

Mexico and thanks, good evening, up to here mana from the San Luis University of Ica, good evening.


Ricardo Rangel Martinez - Biologist

Jaime: only two speakers left, the biologist Ricardo Rangel with a truly extraordinary discovery by analyzing María's DNA. Go ahead, Ricardo

Thank you Jaime, many thanks, good evening, good afternoon, evening to all the honorable members of the chamber of deputies, honorable members of the presidium, uh, thank you very much for your presence. Again, I present myself here freely and voluntarily to give my testimony and interpretation of the analysis of sequences obtained from the DNA isolated from an organism identified as 'triple3,' which has colloquially been named 'María,' as evidenced in the documentary evidence previously presented in this hearing. Samples of tissue from this organism have been taken for carbon-14 dating, yielding an approximate age of 1700 years. The gold standard for the analysis and sequencing of deoxyribonucleic acid molecules from ancient samples is next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies. This technology allows us to perform parallel amplification of millions of sequences from DNA fragments obtained from the sample in question.

It is important to emphasize that there is a high probability that genetic material obtained from ancient tissues is degraded and also contaminated with DNA from microorganisms or from individuals who have handled the specimen without the proper precautions. Therefore, such events must be considered when interpreting the results. The tissue sample obtained from María's hand bone, identified as WGS Ancient 003, was subjected to a DNA isolation protocol and then subjected to massive sequencing on an Illumina-brand apparatus. Subsequently, the sequencing results were uploaded to the public platform of the Sequence Read Archive of the National Center for Biotechnology Information of the United States National Library of Medicine. The results obtained were the following:

As a result of massive sequencing, 647 million 389,366 sequences of 150 nucleotides each were obtained. Each of these sequences was automatically entered into the SRA tool, which yielded the following phylogenetic constitution, as we can see in slide number one.

As can be seen, out of the 647 million reads, 97.38% of them were successfully identified, and only 2.62% of the sequences could not be matched with known living organisms, that is, approximately 16 million reads. So, these 16 million sequences did not coincide with any known living organisms to date. Of this large amount of identified DNA, that is, 97.38% of the sequences, a small percentage corresponds to DNA from microorganisms that contaminated the sample or that are part of the tegumentary microbiota—specifically 2.13% of the isolated sequences from María. Thus, the remaining 95.25% corresponds to DNA from the tissue of the organism in question. As can be observed, there is a descending distribution in the identified percentages as we move away from ancestral lineages in the phylogenetic tree until we observe the lowest percentage in the organism identified down to genus and species. That is, this sequence read archive tool manages to fully or partially identify a large part of the genetic composition of the organism in question. Focusing on the final result, it is striking that 30.22% of the sequences match the human genome, Homo sapiens, but also includes an anomalous taxonomic branch of the genus Pan with 3.05% of the sequences from the organism under study, as can be seen in slide number two.

To delve deeper into this finding, the Corona analysis was deployed, which shows a pie chart of the percentage of sequence reads. In this new diagram, the representation of the Pan genus percentage can be observed, along with two hidden elements that, when hovered over with the cursor and double-clicked, reveal the hidden information. Surprisingly, the new information corresponds to sequences identified in two species of apes, which are classified by genus and species: Pan troglodytes and Pan paniscus, i.e., chimpanzees and bonobos, respectively. I am asked to shorten my speech due to time constraints, but what I want to conclude essentially is that this organism contains sequences from two apes that come from Africa, which is very strange and a relatively similar proportion, approximately 15% of them. This speaks to us, basically, that it is indeed a hybrid, and there are comparisons in the following slides. Experiments have been conducted in various universities where hybrid cells have been artificially created between monkeys and Homo sapiens. Therefore, it is very important that we can generate evidence that allows us to clarify how these elements were created because, until now, there is no explanation for how these hybrid organisms from two African apes and Homo sapiens could have arrived here 1700 years ago. Furthermore, we have 2.72% of completely unidentified reading sequences that clearly could answer the phenotypic presence of the three-fingered (tridactyl) organism.

In conclusion, Jaime, Ricardo, we are talking about a hybrid being made in a way that, as shown in the last slide, the distribution of the sequence reads corresponds to a process of artificial hybridization, similar to what we have achieved in creating hybrid cells between monkeys and humans. We are talking about two types of monkeys, the chimpanzee and the bonobo, followed by humans and a third unknown element.

As we have seen, it is not a simple hybridization; it is quite complex and must have been generated by a very particular scenario. How was artificial hybridization possible 1700 years ago? That is something that I think is the most important takeaway from these types of meetings, to invite all researchers to join us. I believe that this is what should unite us, not wars or these types of questions, because we undoubtedly have a very important challenge to solve. What you are revealing is groundbreaking, very important, Jaime. Yes, we see a being that looks human but is not human, with many characteristics similar to us and many others that are not, that has three digits, the fingerprints are different, it has very robust ape-like bones, and all this is indeed the case. In fact, as we just heard, the proportions may seem to suggest a male gender, but comparisons should be made instead between these types of species, between females and males. So, it's not María but Mario. The possibility exists, and I think this discovery is very important. We have a hybrid being, we have other beings that apparently are more evolved than us, with greater capacity and smaller in size.

We are facing something truly extraordinary. Therefore, I reiterate to the scientific community to not judge without first having studied these elements. I am very pleased to have the opportunity and to keep an open mind to carry out a more thorough study. Thank you very much, Professor Ricardo, and thank you all.

Dr Daniel D Mendoza Vizarreta - Radiologist

Jaime: Now, to conclude, although Unit R jumped ahead, we will present the new species. It is a being for which I was sent a video. I went there and obtained it to deliver it to the University of Ica, which was the only reason because otherwise, it could have been lost. And truthfully, the first time I saw this being, it seemed to me too, after having presented the two beings and having generated such controversy, I thought that when this one was presented, the reaction would be even greater because its characteristics are even stranger than the others. So, we are talking about a third species. We decided to take it, along with Dr. Roger Zúñiga, to an X-ray lab. Dr. Mendoza conducted it, and I would like to ask Dr. Mendoza to share the results of the X-rays that he took in his own lab.

Dr. Sergio Gutiérrez Luna, Federal Deputy from Mexico, distinguished and honorable congressmen from my country, Peru, Jaime, audience, during the full COVID-19 pandemic, I was asked for my services to take and interpret, within my limitations, radiographic images of unknown specimens. I took them and tried to interpret them. You may pass the first slide to see the first images.

This is practically the last specimen mentioned by the doctor: an unknown specimen with a small head, a small cervical spine, and a pelvic cavity with strange objects, appendages on the dorsocervical area resembling fins, and undoubtedly, the long bones show a radiolucent image in the center corresponding to the bone marrow. As you know, bone marrow is the factory for the blood's formed elements, the producers of erythrocytes which will form red blood cells. Without a doubt, this specimen has been a biological being that has surely lived. On the other hand, these extremities have joints, and from here, I can see they have three fingers. This is the last specimen that was brought to my study. There it is. It is a specimen that has lived, a biological being. Notice in the long bones the central part which is the marrow and the well-defined cortical areas of the bones, and those strange radiopaque, ovoid-shaped objects with well-defined contours in the pelvic cavity, presumed to be eggs. However, from just the simple radiography, I can only state that there are those strange bodies.

Until there, the next slide to start, please.

That is the specimen that was brought to me, from which I took the radiographs. I will only focus on the radiographic images because the external morphological aspects have already been addressed. Please advance. This is the title of my presentation for your consideration: "Conventional radiographic studies of unknown species from southern Peru." That is my role. I am a retired radiologist and a former professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the Universidad San Luis Gonzaga of Ica. Next slide, please.

Here we can appreciate the entire radiography of Luisa, christened by its discoverers. Here we can see the head, the trunk which is practically fused with the abdomen and the pelvis. It is an anatomical segment that is thoraco-abdomino-perineal, and the segment of the neck, the shoulder, and the upper extremities. From this part, we always take frontal and lateral radiographs: the one on the left is the frontal radiograph and the one on the side is the lateral view.

From here, we can already see that it is a small elongated skull. This skull is divided into two fundamental parts: the vault and the cranial base. The vault, you can see, is made up of the external table and the internal table, and between the external table and the internal table, there is a radiolucent image which is the medulla. Just by looking at the skull, we can say that this specimen corresponds to a biological being.

You can move to the other slides; there is the segment of the head, the vault, and the base of the skull. Regarding the vault, as I was saying, there is the external table and the internal table, and the cranial base subdivided into the anterior floor, middle floor, and posterior floor.

What catches my attention is that in the middle floor, where the sella turcica normally exists, it cannot be seen; there is no sella turcica. However, in the maxillofacial mass, there's a beak-like prominence and an oral pharyngeal cavity beneath the base of the skull. The cerebral circulations that are imprinted on the inner table can be inferred.

We can proceed to the cervical segment. You can see the well-defined vertebrae supported by the intervertebral spaces that currently correspond to the intervertebral discs.

In the next slide, in the thoraco-abdomino-pelvic segment, we can see the ribs, which are horizontalized and emerge from the spine. This entire anatomical segment looks like a barrel because the ribs are horizontalized from the top down, and at the top part, in the chest, we can see that metallic artifact, a bar, and at the sides, some discs.

In the segment of the shoulder, we can see the scapula, the clavicle, and the epiphysis of the humerus. In the humerus, you can see that the marrow is well-defined, separated from the cortical bone. Continuing with the elbow, which is directly connected to another bone, apparently the radius, and there is no ulna - there is only one bone.

Moving to another element, the hands have three fingers. The carpus has only one consolidated bone. That is, in the upper limb, there are three fingers.

If you allow me some minutes to move forward, in the lower limbs, there is only one bone as well, which corresponds to the tibia; there is no fibula. In the foot, there are only three toes. Next slide. In summary, this specimen in the upper and lower limbs has marrow, which means it corresponds to a living being.

The other segment has similar features. Eh, in the joint system, we can also say that it corresponds to a biological being that has lived. The other slide. That is the head of Albert, his vault, his base, and his neck. The other slide also has a barrel-shaped thoraco-abdominal segment. The limbs are similar to the previous ones. The other slide also has three fingers. The other slide, in the lower limbs, also has three toes on the foot, and the long bones also have their medullary and cortical bone. The other slide. This is another element, which they call the beheaded Victoria. The long bones, as you can see clearly, have marrow - it has been a living being.

The other slide. This is the specimen they have named Maria. They have already talked about her; she has her head, a large part of her neck, and her upper extremities, three fingers on her spine. The next slide, please. There are some lesions in the thoracic spine at T4, T7, and L1. We can presume that this specimen has had diseases, probably inflammatory diseases, and among the inflammatory diseases we see today in modern life, there is tuberculosis. The other slide. Her feet have three metatarsals and three toes, and each toe has three phalanges. There are radiolucent lesions between the metatarsophalangeal joints apparently as a consequence of chronic inflammatory processes.

Another slide. To conclude, I want to show you this image from modern times, in the '70s and '80s. They brought a woman to the radiology service when I was working in a hospital, who was approximately 40 years old. She went to an outpatient clinic, and the doctor who observed her was knitting and had only three fingers. They brought her to me, I took the radiographs, and there they are. This is a patient who has DTR (Distrofia Túnel Radial - Radial Tunnel Syndrome). The carpal bones are consolidated, but she had both the ulna and the radius. This is a modern radiograph taken in the '70s and '80s, thereabouts. Many thanks.


Jaime: That also concludes the authenticity of the bodies; there is no doubt,

They seem natural

Jaime: Talking about the last body that was analyzed, also natural. Eh,

Also natural, yes.

Jaime: And it also has four eggs, but it's very strange; it has No lungs and has only one vertebral column; t's a specimen known as a Good (here, meaning 'well'). Here on Earth, there are salamanders that are lungless and have no ribs; it wouldn't be something similar to something else, different from the others; we're talking about a new species, so probably, well, thank you very much.



Master, thank you, Mr. Maussan. Next, the deputy will give the conclusions; please Deputy Gutiérrez Luna.

Thank you very much to everyone. We have concluded, I believe, very successfully, this second hearing on anomalous phenomena. I would like to thank all those who joined us, presenters from different parts of the world, notably from Peru, in the context of what we have been analyzing, discussing, and debating since the first public hearing two months ago. A special thanks to a man who has not ceased in his efforts to demonstrate this phenomenon, Jaime Maussan. I ask for a round of applause for Jaime Maussan.

Thank you, Jaime. This is the people's house. Here, all ideas and proposals will always be welcome to be debated, to be heard, to agree or disagree. That is the nature of the Chamber of Deputies. Thank you very much, everyone. Good night.



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