strange universe

August 5, 1897 - The Brownsville Daily Herald - Was it Andre?


Was it Andre?

A Winnipeg Farmer Thinks He Saw the Explorer's Baloon

Winnipeg, Man., Aug. 1.

A White-mouth dispatch to the Press says: Inquiries regarding a large balloon, which was seen passing in a northeasterly direction on the evening of the 28th, three miles from White-mouth, have elicited the fact that the evening was remarkably calm and clear.

Farmer Henderson was standing at the door of his barn and was taking a glance around the sky when he saw a large oblong object sailing slowly across the horizon. Gradually, he made out the car when he saw a large swing coming into view. Astonishment held him spellbound, and again the ghostlike sail swung and gibbed full in view, showing its enormous proportions. Then it slowly drifted out of sight in the twilight.

Henderson, upon returning to his house, consulted a newspaper having a picture of Andrée's balloon and declared that the airship he saw was of the same character. The balloon was floating very low, and Henderson says it could not have been more than a mile away. He could see no signs of life, and it showed no lights.


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