strange universe

April 26, 1897 - The Evening Times - No Doubt About the Airship



A Commercial Traveler Says He Saw It Four Times. Wheeling, WV, April 26 - George A. Williams, a traveling salesman for one of the largest cloak manufacturing firms in the country, with headquarters in New York, who has just returned from the West on a business trip, has been converted to the belief that the much-talked-of airship is a reality from personal observation.

Mr. Williams saw the airship on four different occasions and is absolutely certain that he could not have been mistaken.

"I first saw the airship on Saturday, April 10, in Minneapolis," he said. "It approached within ten miles of the city, when it turned westward, going about ten miles, where it made several evolutions. As it turned, it showed different colored lights, alternating red, green, and white."

He saw the airship again in about the same locality the next evening.

"I saw the strange thing again on Friday, April 16, while en route to St. Louis," continued Mr. Williams. "I was on a train from Chicago to St. Louis, and about 10 o'clock the conductor came through, notifying the passengers that the airship was in sight. I went out on the platform and watched it for some time. It came within five or six miles of the train, and we got a good view of it. I saw the ship in motion three times, and I would say it traveled at the rate of 100 or 150 miles an hour, and always from one-half to three-quarters of a mile high. From a great height, it would dart earthward with fearful velocity and then suddenly would dart up again, evidently getting part of its speed from these movements."


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