strange universe

April 15, 1897 - The Telegraph-Courier - The Airship Seen



A Certain County Official Says He Saw it Sunday Evening.

The airship was actually seen here Sunday evening at about 7:15 o’clock. Those who report having seen such a ship are of a kind to be trusted for calmness of judgment and integrity. A large white light with a smaller green one on either side was sighted moving in a northeasterly direction across the heavens about midway of the zenith. Its progress was slow and hardly discernible unless observed with relation to a given stationary object. The center light resembled a star except for its movement and size, which was considerably larger in appearance than any of our planets. The green side lights were much smaller and kept moving steadily with the larger one in the same relative position. About two hours after it was first seen here it was entirely lost sight of. It was reported this morning that it was discovered in Milwaukee a little after 9 o’clock Sunday evening.

A certain county official affirms that he saw the airship Sunday evening and some good friends of his resent the inference that he must have been celebrating his recent victory.


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