strange universe

April 15, 1897 - Mineral Point Tribute - Airship Seen in Mineral Point


Airship Seen in Mineral Point

We have been skeptical concerning the airship reported to have been seen sailing about Chicago and Milwaukee, but we can doubt no more. The ship has been seen in Mineral Point, according to the testimony of people whose veracity is amplestionable as the modesty which forbids the publication of their names. One of these, a young musician who lives in the Third ward, was going home Monday night, in time for an early breakfast, when, as he turned the corner near Terrill's hotel, he saw a bright light in the northern sky. It appeared to be about the size of Minor's ice house, with three cupolas, atop each of which sat an American eagle with outspread wings. It moved with a swaying, uncertain motion in its onward flight. As it was passing almost directly over him, the young man noticed that a sort of tubular contrivance had been let down, evidently with the purpose of affording him means of ascent. As it came toward him, he seized the object with both arms and was preparing to climb up by the juvenile process known as "shinning" when Doc Holmes happened along, seized him by the arm, and dragged him off to his home. Our young friend says he hasn't a doubt that if he had been left alone he would have been aboard the airship in two minutes more.

We have evidence of a number of people to the same effect, it is all just as definite as this, and leaves no room to doubt that the airship is a reality. These people are reputable citizens, not sleepwalkers, and what they tell us we must believe.


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