strange universe

April 15, 1897 - Abilene Weekly Reflector - Chapman Saw It



Airship Gives the High School Town a Visit

The only town in Dickinson County to indulge in an airship view is Chapman, and being a high school town with a high reputation for sobriety, one would not have thought it. The Standard, however, says it is so. Its description is orthodox and reads thus: It was seen north and west of the city Monday night between 10 and 11 o'clock. It was thought first that it was a star, but as it darted here and there in the horizon and its brilliancy increased as it came nearer, it did not travel in a straight line but always kept the same course in a northwesterly direction. When first observed, it seemed to be coming directly toward them, then it turned its course and the light was only seen the same as the reflection of a light from a furnace in the heavens. Then it was set in motion, darting back and forth, up and down, and after a short time continued on its journey and disappeared gradually in the northwest.

WHAT WAS THIS? Some Facts That Will Do for an Airship Mystery.

These troublous times and a prophet who counted on signs in the heavens would have a regular picnic. Abilene did not intend to gift into the airship current, but something happened last night that ought to be told.

E. T. Ellison, whose testimony is unimpeachable, says that late in the night he awoke and saw everything as light as day around the house. He did not go out of doors but heard the clock strike three. He went to bed and an hour later got up again and going out saw off in the west what appeared to be an immense ball of fire or searchlight with a projection on top. It was so far away and moving to the west so rapidly that he could not see it plainly. He regrets very much that he did not go out at first as the light was much stronger then, and he thinks the concern was directly over the town.

This could not have been the "slur" the Chicago astronomers talk about as it was very large, while the moon being only at the quarter and setting at 8:14 a.m. could scarcely be considered. The matter was certainly remarkable, but we do not advise anybody to sit up until 2 a.m. in hopes of seeing it again.


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